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  1. Yes, I've been trying to modify Emmanuel Pilande's Browser Tabs workflow, but haven't quite figured how to activate a tab based on a window and tab index. There's the select method, but every configuration I've tried doesn't work.
  2. Very useful! Could you add an option to create safe strings?... like "The Quick Brown Fox" -> "the_quick_brown_fox" "The Quick Brown Fox" -> "the-quick-brown-fox" Useful for programming and urls
  3. I've found a solution that would allow Alfred's Music Mini Player to integrate support for Apple's "Up Next Queue" and the related "Play Next" and "Play Later" options. This would be a huge benefit as you could easily search for and queue up music in the moment, and return to your regularly scheduled playlist when the queued music has completed. Currently there is no AppleScript support for these features, however the necessary support exists through the Shortcuts app. The secret is having a Shortcut that queues the songs of a playlist which Alfred would control as it already does. Here's an example of such a Shortcut. The Shortcut could then simply be initiated as needed using the command line: shortcuts run "Add to Up Next" I could see options being added to "Play Next" or "Play Later" through modifier keys as is done in others areas of Alfred. Here's an example Shortcut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lzFX04SGW4H_fnlzzaI1pBSRxErkkxOK/view?usp=sharing I do hope this is something that the Alfred team will consider.
  4. Yes, I'd like to be able to select music in the Alfred Mini player and send that to Shortcuts so I can use the up next queue.
  5. Yes, I'm on (Apple Silicon) - Monterey 12.3.1 Spotlight doesn't show the files either unfortunately. I've also tried uninstalling, removing Application Support files and reinstalling, but still no dice. Searching for the ~/Library/CloudStorage path you mention, it does not exist.
  6. Doesn't look like that worked for me.The path was already in my search scope, but items from Google Drive don't show up.
  7. @vitor I see in the Google Drive release notes that they have added File Provider support as of May 12th. Would this allow for using the default Spotlight indexing again? https://support.google.com/a/answer/7577057?hl=en
  8. Thanks for your help with this. Not sure if this worked, but here's what happened running this process... rm "${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.vitorgalvao.launchd.googledrivecache.plist" Running this command showed returned "No such file or directory" in terminal. osascript -e 'tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to run trigger "googledrivelaunchd" in workflow "com.alfredapp.googledrive" with argument "uninstall"' Running this command created this debug output in Alfred. [12:19:35.421] Logging Started... [12:20:03.580] Google Drive[External] Processing complete [12:20:03.584] Google Drive[External] Passing output 'uninstall' to Run Script [12:20:03.658] Google Drive[Run Script] Processing complete [12:20:03.660] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output '' to Conditional osascript -e 'tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to run trigger "googledrivelaunchd" in workflow "com.alfredapp.googledrive" with argument "install"' Running this command gave me this debug output in Alfred. 12:20:18.191] Google Drive[External] Processing complete [12:20:18.193] Google Drive[External] Passing output 'install' to Run Script [12:20:18.271] Google Drive[Run Script] Processing complete [12:20:18.274] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output 'BUILD_CACHE' to Conditional [12:20:18.276] Google Drive[Conditional] Processing complete [12:20:18.276] Google Drive[Conditional] Passing output 'BUILD_CACHE' to Arg and Vars [12:20:18.277] Google Drive[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [12:20:18.277] Google Drive[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script [12:20:18.375] Google Drive[External] Processing complete [12:20:18.378] Google Drive[External] Passing output '' to Run Script [12:20:18.438] ERROR: Google Drive[Run Script] Cache creation already in progress [12:20:18.441] Google Drive[Run Script] Processing complete [12:20:18.441] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Run Script [12:20:18.442] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Conditional [12:20:18.442] Google Drive[Conditional] Processing complete [12:20:18.443] Google Drive[Conditional] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Post Notification [12:20:18.443] Google Drive[Post Notification] Processing complete [12:20:18.444] Google Drive[Post Notification] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Play Sound
  9. I've been trying to search the drive using the gd script filter, but it keeps saying that the cache is building. Here's my details Workflow: v2021.6 Alfred: 4.6.1 [1268] macOS: 12.0.1 Monterey (Apple Silicon) My Google Drive path matches the default variable. Debug Log [10:00:35.186] Logging Started... [10:01:06.663] Google Drive[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'c' [10:01:06.837] Google Drive[Script Filter] Script with argv 'c' finished [10:01:06.838] Google Drive[Script Filter] {"items":[{"title":"Cache is being built…","subtitle":"Please be patient. Depending on how many files you have, it can take a while.","valid":false}]} [10:01:21.144] Google Drive[Keyword] Processing complete [10:01:21.146] Google Drive[Keyword] Passing output '' to Arg and Vars [10:01:21.147] Google Drive[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [10:01:21.147] Google Drive[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script [10:01:21.236] ERROR: Google Drive[Run Script] Cache creation already in progress [10:01:21.238] Google Drive[Run Script] Processing complete [10:01:21.239] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Run Script [10:01:21.239] Google Drive[Run Script] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Conditional [10:01:21.240] Google Drive[Conditional] Processing complete [10:01:21.240] Google Drive[Conditional] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Post Notification [10:01:21.241] Google Drive[Post Notification] Processing complete [10:01:21.241] Google Drive[Post Notification] Passing output 'ONGOING_REBUILD' to Play Sound Thanks for your help, and sorry I missed the second post.
  10. The cache creation has been in progress on my machine for a couple days. Is that normal or has something gone wrong? Any way to restart the process?
  11. Possibly, I get the same error on both my Monterey machines. M1 and Intel. I've checked all the permissions, and even added screen recording to the mix as I know sometimes that's necessary to get window titles, etc.
  12. Seems to be all of them. I've tried a variety, 3rd party, Apple, etc. This is how I have things setup:
  13. You're right! Thanks... Unfortunately, that brings me to this error. [21:54:43.754] ERROR: Mouse to Current Window[Run Script] /Users/christianmagill/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/FB91CFD4-D374-483B-BF36-6AFDE1DAF46D: execution error: Error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'win.properties') (-2700)
  14. This script doesn't seem to work anymore unfortunately. [00:47:45.661] ERROR: Mouse to Active Window[Run Script] 0:5: syntax error: A unknown token can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)
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