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Everything posted by guiguan

  1. That basically means the script filter didn't generate any XML output. You must have modified something in the wrong way.
  2. Are you sure that's the v4.2? Why the icon looks different? Can you cd to the workflow folder and try: ./bin/Uni\ Call to launch the server manually, and then try: ./bin/Uni\ Call\ Basestation some_target to see what happens
  3. After you have installed the new Uni Call, no dialog popped up saying that Uni Call wants to access your Contacts and please allow?
  4. Okay, guys. Sorry for your trouble. Let's hunt down the problem: 1. Manually delete the thumbnail cache folder: rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/net.guiguan.Uni-Call/ 2. Remove Uni Call from your Alfred Preferences: 3. Empty your Trash 4. Make sure from your System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contacts, there is only one Uni Call entry: I got two there, because the another one is from my Xcode project's debug output folder. You should have strictly one Uni Call there. If it is not the case, you have to delete the corresponding Uni Call executable (possibly hiding in your Trash). When you delete the Uni Call executable, the entry shown in the figure will be automatically deleted. 5. Then go to reinstall Uni Call I have tried the above steps, and mine is working fine.
  5. Wow, that's a mess. To reset, you just need to delete everything related to either Skype Call or Uni Call, and then install a fresh copy of the newest Uni Call. To limit the functionality of Uni Call to just FaceTime and Skype, you could change the script filter "call" to: ./bin/Uni\ Call\ Basestation -fs {query} Hope this helps
  6. Hey, Davide. I got too many things at hand this weekend. I may have to postpone adding SIP or Viber call to next weekend. However, I managed to upgrade some basic infrastructures for Uni Call. Please refer to the changelog and check out the new version: http://guiguan.github.io/Uni-Call/
  7. Hey, guys. I have just released Uni Call v4.2. This is mainly a performance upgrade, which improves the response time when you are typing. Please download it now! v4.2 (12/05/13)The original Uni Call executable is now divided into two separate parts: the Uni Call Basestation and the Uni Call. The Uni Call Basestation is the one invoked everytime by Alfred, while the Uni Call is in turn spawned by Uni Call Basestation, which will continue to run in the background unless idling for 5 min. Basically, the Uni Call will sit there and wait to serve requests come from Uni Call Basestation (via TCP port number 28642). In this way, the consecutive requests come from Alfred could be served more quickly by Uni Call. In fact, it does improve the response time by 50% (Refer to the following figure)! Options can now be used everywhere among the query. So "call guan -s gui" is equivalent to "call -s guan gui" and "call guan gui -s".
  8. You should. The new versions are normally better. Also, you could use calls SKYPE_TARGET call -s SKYPE_TARGET to limit the function to just Skype. Or, even, you could customise the call script filter with something like "./bin/Uni\ Call -s {query}", then you can use "call SKYPE_TARGET" as before
  9. try to remove the AppleScript entry in Manage API clients, and restart your Skype Have you got the newest version of the workflow? http://guiguan.github.io/Uni-Call/
  10. Thanks. It works great.
  11. Hey, please upgrade your Uni Call to v4.1. You can either download from http://guiguan.github.io/Uni-Call/ or use Alleyoop to update. Changelog for v4.1 (7/05/13) Did some performance tweak. Now Uni Call runs much faster.
  12. Hi, Davide. I haven't used sip before, but I found that Telephone does support the url scheme sip:{query} (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!searchin/telephone-app/url$20scheme/telephone-app/UwbxCr8YV1A/iNU8BHIv7rQJ), so does Phone Amego (http://www.sustworks.com/pa_guide/sipURIs.html). The default sip handler can be set by Default Apps (http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/14618/rcdefaultapp). I can certainly add a new call type "Sip Call". But before that, as I have no one to make a sip call to, could you please verify the url scheme to see if it works?
  13. Check this out http://www.guiguan.net/redirections/Alfred-Forum-Uni-Call
  14. You may want my script to open Skype for you if it is not opened yet. Anyway, check out the new version Uni Call topic section of Alfred forum.
  15. Dear, tschoof. As promised, I present you the Uni Call (Skype Call v4.0). Now, in addition to make Skype call, you can also make FaceTime and bluetooth phone call. Hope you enjoy it!
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