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ajburlingame's Achievements

Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I just added $10 of credit to my OpenAI account and the workflow continues to give the following error message: I've tried restarting Alfred and starting new chats. Any advice?
  2. I title a lot of files by including the start date of that week e.g. Ops Update - Week of 1/22/24 Is there a way to create an Alfred snippet to automatically determine the Monday of that week? In Excel it would be something like this: =IF(WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)<=5,TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)+1,TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)+8)
  3. This looks great! I changed the directory to ~/Dropbox/screenshots as you suggested but am not seeing any screenshots, just the please wait dialogue. I quit Alfred Preferences and added screen shots after I edited the workflow and that did not work. Any pointers? Thank you so much!
  4. As a remote worker, I have to send coworkers multiple screen shots a day as we collaborate on things. Current behavior To send my most recent screen shot, I launch Alfred Type 'screen shot' Scan for the most recent time stamp Drag and drop the file from Alfred to Slack Is there a better/faster way? (ideally I could do everything from my keyboard) I remember in an older Alfred version, my file results were sorted by Last Modified, so at least the latest screen shot was always at the top. Thanks!
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