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    Apple technology, Swift programming language, CHina and yeah... cats!

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  1. Hi, Thanks for this. However how can I browse the palette with VoiceOver? The only option seems to be searching, but I don't know what actions do I have available?
  2. Hi, can someone explain to me how can I create workflows using the VoiceOver screenreader? I heard that the editor had became accessible but for the life of me I cant figure how to create and chain actions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Thank you all for your replies. I have figured out the operation method, and all is working fine now.
  4. I want to create a workflow, which does the following: 1. If my regex matches the URL obtained from current clipboard then open the URL in the browser2. Else do nothing. I started with the "conditional filter" object in order to match the regex but what then?
  5. Ahhh, thanks for the answer. Being so interested in tech made me curious.
  6. Hello, I have set up synchronisation with iCloud today, however one thing bothers me. The documentation says, that "we don't recommend using iCloud or Google Drive". The documentation later states, that Dropbox is more reliable than Google Drive. What are technical/objective reasons for such remarks? I just ask of curiosity.
  7. Ah, good. Also, please add a way to browse the palette with the keyboard, not only by search.
  8. Hello, how can I connect workflow objects with VO and the keyboard? I am using Alfred 5 early access.
  9. Hi all! I was uspposedt o post the topic yesterday, and I think I did, but something seemed to have gone wrong. Woops! :D. Now to the topic: I have purchased Alfred Remote and configured it, but when I added a new page, I have seen I cannot configure it with VoiceOver. Is there any way I can do it?Hello, I have decided to purchase the Alfred Remote app for iOS as I found some uses I could have for it. AFter purchasing it and configuring, I wanted to add my custom page, however I was able to fill in only tghe name and description, however I can't seem to be able to add stuff to the page. WHat can I do?
  10. Hello, I am very grateful for your reply. It all works now. Is there a way to automatically index new drives?
  11. Hello, I have bought Alfred yesterday and I am loving it, thanks to finally accessible Workflow Editor with Voiceover. However my problem is that the app doesn't show files on my external drive, even though Spotlight does. When I prefix my search with space and type the file name, it is not found on the external drive. How can I enable external drive indexing?
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