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Posts posted by Henryy

  1. Hi @vitor,


    First of all, congratulations on the product 🙂


    I was using Google Drive's workflow up until a few weeks ago, and then it stopped working for some reason. I just reinstalled the workflow, but I am unable to get it working again. I tried building the cache by hitting the option below, and also by running this command (:gdrebuildcache) in Alfred's search box.





    Could you let me know what else I need to do to get it working again? Thank you!

  2. Hi guys! When I search for a folder I always get two (redundant) results:

    • .Encrypted. Not useful because it doesn't contain the files I am expecting —it is an empty folder—.
    • My Drive. The one I use, it contains all the files it actually has.
    How can I get rid of the .Encrypted search result? I'd rather hide it because sometimes I click on the wrong search result (.Encrypted) by mistake, and I need to search again and click on the correct search result (My Drive).
    Looking forward to your comments 🙂 Thank you!
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