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Google Drive — List File Stream contents from Google Drive

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18 hours ago, vitor said:

As I said, it isn’t certain that it would work. That’s a problem between Spotlight and Google Drive. It’s why the Workflow exists.


Thanks for the creation of this awesome workflow, I have been using it every day for a year and just hope that you might release a new version with the update with equally function of "in" command in the future ))) @vitor

Edited by Alpha
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone.


I've been successfully using this workflow for a few months but for the past week or so whenever I search for something in google drive I get 2 results for each entry come up. It looks like it's showing an "encrypted" result and a non-encrypted result?


When I reveal one of them in the finder/ select them from the first result nothing comes up/ the folder is empty. 


When I click the second result the files appear/ open.


Any idea what's happening here and what I need to do to resolve this? I just tried checking and updating the file path for the google drive folder but that didn't resolve the issue.





### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    google_drive_path = /Volumes/GoogleDrive-113840727599427684386

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Exists: /Volumes/GoogleDrive-113840727599427684386
6120 paths

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777232 11750256 -rw-r--r-- 1 alex staff 0 1040384 "Aug 27 10:29:04 2022" "Aug 27 10:28:57 2022" "Aug 27 10:28:57 2022" "Aug 27 10:28:52 2022" 4096 2144 0 /Users/alex/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.googledrive

Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 10.40.01.png

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I having problems with the new version. I can see folders and files but I cannot access.




Here is the problem with !gddiagnostic. Can you help me ?

### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Does NOT Exist: /Volumes/GoogleDrive

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777230 27332743 -rw-r--r-- 1 thomasarnaudo staff 0 1998848 "Aug  9 10:09:31 2022" "Aug  8 20:47:03 2022" "Aug  8 20:47:04 2022" "Aug  8 20:01:45 2022" 4096 4160 0 /Users/thomasarnaudo/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.googledrive

Edited by ThomasArgg
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Have been using this awesome workflow for a while, but something has changed recently that is messing with the search results. If I type 1-2 letters (after gd) a handful of files show, but if I keep typing it says 'Nothing Found' even if the full search term matches one of the results that showed with 1-2 letters.... e.g. if I type 'gd ad' then it will show a few (but not all) files with 'admin' in the file name, but if I type 'gd admin' it will say Nothing Found.


I've confirmed the GD file path and rebuilt the cache a few times. I was previously getting a lot of .Encrypted and .shortcut-targets-by-id results but now have those excluded using the Ignore List.


*Edit* I've just realised that search results are limited to what's in /My Drive/ but it's not searching sub-directories!


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    ignore_list = .Encrypted
    result_limit = 100

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Exists: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive
52 paths

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777223 60202016 -rw-r--r-- 1 anthonycipa staff 0 16384 "Sep  6 10:20:25 2022" "Sep  6 09:30:24 2022" "Sep  6 09:30:24 2022" "Sep  6 09:30:24 2022" 4096 32 0 /Users/anthonycipa/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.googledrive


Edited by acipa
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Welcome @acipa,


Verify your Google Drive location. Google has been switching the Drive to other locations for some users, and you may be midprocess. Right now, only 52 paths are found in the one you currently have.

If that is indeed the case, please share the new location so it can be helpful for other users.

If that does not fix it, open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output.

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2 hours ago, vitor said:

Welcome @acipa,


Verify your Google Drive location. Google has been switching the Drive to other locations for some users, and you may be midprocess. Right now, only 52 paths are found in the one you currently have.

If that is indeed the case, please share the new location so it can be helpful for other users.

If that does not fix it, open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output.


Ah so this is weird... my Google Drive location is still /Volumes/GoogleDrive however the folder that I've been trying and failing to search is now a shortcut to file path /Volumes/GoogleDrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1Yp_5XVf2BSUFnMo3vSPwTjc_Sq5qZbEL/[Folder Name]


The file path used to be /Volumes/GoogleDrive/[Folder Name] when search was working.


So by adding .shortcut-targets-by-id to the Ignore List, it's been ignoring all the files I want to search! I'll take it out again and presumably that will fix it.


But any thoughts on why this has happened in the first? New weirdness within Google Drive as part of a recent update?

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1 minute ago, acipa said:

So by adding .shortcut-targets-by-id to the Ignore List, it's been ignoring all the files I want to search! I'll take it out again and presumably that will fix it.

Confirmed, by removing .shortcut-targets-by-id from the Ignore List and rebuilding cache, it's now working again. So strange!!

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Hi guys! When I search for a folder I always get two (redundant) results:

  • .Encrypted. Not useful because it doesn't contain the files I am expecting —it is an empty folder—.
  • My Drive. The one I use, it contains all the files it actually has.
How can I get rid of the .Encrypted search result? I'd rather hide it because sometimes I click on the wrong search result (.Encrypted) by mistake, and I need to search again and click on the correct search result (My Drive).
Looking forward to your comments 🙂 Thank you!
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On 9/15/2022 at 1:52 AM, vitor said:

Just made a new 2022.20 release. Cache building should be faster when ignores have been specified, and dotfiles are now ignored (meaning .Ecnrypted won’t show up by default).

Because the files in my My Drive are in this weird ".shortcut-targets-by-id" location for some reason, the new update that ignores dotfiles means I get no search results again.


For the time being I've updated the Google Drive location to have the full weird pathname of the main folder in My Drive. Is that the best workaround?

/Volumes/GoogleDrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1Yp_5XVf2BSUFnMo3vSPwTjc_Sq5qZbEL/[Folder Name}

Edited by acipa
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On 9/18/2022 at 8:53 AM, acipa said:

Because the files in my My Drive are in this weird ".shortcut-targets-by-id" location for some reason, the new update that ignores dotfiles means I get no search results again.


For the time being I've updated the Google Drive location to have the full weird pathname of the main folder in My Drive. Is that the best workaround?

/Volumes/GoogleDrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1Yp_5XVf2BSUFnMo3vSPwTjc_Sq5qZbEL/[Folder Name}


Thanks for this workaround! :) It fixed my issue of not seeing any files when searching.

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Hello there,

I'm experiencing a different issue since a few days on. 


Given that I use the new ~/CloudStorage/ set as storage folder and now my GD pathname is: /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/My Drive

Apparently having discouraged to find dot folders (in my case /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/.shortcut-targets-by-id) resulted in the impossibility to find any file or folder within the Shared with me area of GD. 


Here how it looks like a Shared Folder inside my My Drive:



Despite any other folder within my GD respect the original pathname, the shared folder appear as a link (or symlink) to: /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/.shortcut-targets-by-id/0B5oWdQ2VNbqZTmZmdVRMSlNpRzA/Milano Bike Polo


The search result in "Nothing found" whenever I look for any files within any shared folder, while before one of the recent update was working like a charm.


A solution could be to let us to set wether to hide or not dot folders/files?


And, finally, the diagnostic:


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    google_drive_path = /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/My Drive

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Exists: /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/My Drive
45570 paths

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777220 319474608 -rw-r--r-- 1 pyetro staff 0 9633792 "Sep 20 14:07:57 2022" "Sep 20 14:07:53 2022" "Sep 20 14:07:53 2022" "Sep 20 14:07:22 2022" 4096 20576 0 /Users/pyetro/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
Loaded: -	1	com.alfredapp.googledrive


Thanks in advance



Since I noticed that the my GD pathname points directly to the My Drive folder, I tried to force the path giving 2 paths comma separated:



then rebuilt the cache, but I can't still find any files within my Shared Folders other than the GD pathname in the Diagnostic doesn't change but remains: /Users/pyetro/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-pietro.tarsitano@gmail.com/My Drive



Edited by Pyetro
further investigation
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1 hour ago, Pyetro said:

I'm experiencing a different issue since a few days on. 


From your description, seems to be the same thing reported by the previous two posters. That is addressed by version 2022.21.


1 hour ago, Pyetro said:

I tried to force the path giving 2 paths comma separated


Don’t change those in the Workflow Environment Variable. The User Configuration has a specific field for it.


Edited by vitor
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Thanks a lot for the quick fix, the exception works great: search within my Shared Folders is fixed 🥳


You're right, I had the same exact problem, sorry about that!

And yes, I should've managed the variable in the User Configuration via the "Configure Workflow" button.. 🙇🏻‍♂️


Thank you!



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