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    kostyafarber reacted to xgo in 🗞️ Hackernews - Serve the top stories from hackers right in Alfred   
    Thanks for sharing! This is great
    I added this customization on my own version to have a cmd modifier and allow to open the HN discussion instead of the article news, for follow up.
    const items = { title: response.title, subtitle: [response.id, response.by, response.score].join(", "), arg: 'url' in response? response.url: HACKERNEWS_URL + response.id, mods: { cmd: { valid: true, arg: HACKERNEWS_URL + response.id, subtitle: 'Open HN link; ID = ' + response.id } } };  
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    kostyafarber got a reaction from xgo in 🗞️ Hackernews - Serve the top stories from hackers right in Alfred   
    Alfred Hackernews
    Find the top stories from hackers right in Alfred.
    Find the source code here: https://github.com/kostyafarber/alfred-hackernews
    Find the latest version here: https://github.com/kostyafarber/alfred-hackernews/releases/

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    kostyafarber got a reaction from vitor in 📓 Notable - search, open and create new notes in Notable from Alfred   
    Hey @vitor just submitted this one in the gallery thread here. Let me know if you need anything else.
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