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Posts posted by AndyP

  1. Ok, I figured it out.


    I needed to turn on "expand snippets in mid string."


    I'm still getting weird behavior, but it seems to be isolated to Firefox.


    I'm in Safari now and everything seems to work fine. But in Firefox, if I type →, it doesn't show up. If I do it again, then it shows up, but at the beginning of the post. But not always.  Sometimes it works just fine.


    Very odd.

  2. I have snippets set up to type various symbols:


    But I have a few issues with these:


    1. These substitutions seem to require a space or a punctuation mark BEFORE what I type

    2. When this substitution happens, deletes the punctuation mark most of the time

    3. When I want to type …, I usually need to type the period 4 times, and the first period does not get deleted. I need to go back manually and delete it.


    Also, while typing this message on this forum, some substitutions wiped out the entire line I was typing on.


    As an example, if I type:


    It's Magic:tm:


    You can see no substitution happened.  But when I type:


    It's Magic ™


    I get the substitution, but then I need to go back and delete the space.

  3. This may seem utterly stupid…


    I love Alfred. I use it for many things daily. One thing that I often forget to do is launch apps using Alfred. I keep going down to the dock, because I have been using the dock since MacOS X 10.0 back in 2001.


    So this morning, I hid the dock. And all day, I have only used Alfred to launch apps.

  4. I have a Synology NAS. Could I use a shared drive off a NAS, or will that cause conflicts.


    As a new Alfred user, I'm obviously in heavy configuration mode now. But I expect in a week or so, I'll be more "stable" and there will be less syncing.

  5. Hello all. I'm a new user. Came here from Raycast, and was please enough that I bought the lifetime Power Pack.


    I have a Mac mini and a MacBook Pro that I want to sync settings with. I know the preferred tool is Dropbox. But I deleted my Dropbox account a few months ago and don't want to go back there.

    I'd also like to make sure that my settings are end-to-end encrypted or stored locally, so my options are:


    1. iCloud drive

    2. Megasync

    3. Nextcloud

    4. Syncthing


    Reading through the forum posts, it seems that iCloud Drive is out. I found one post extolling the virtues of Syncthing, so I will be test that shortly. I'm curious if anyone is using Nextcloud or Megasync to sync settings and how it's working for you.

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