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  1. I am still having a problem with this. Alfred will work fine for "a while" and then it starts to hang on the input field. As it is, I have stopped using Alfred after having used it for more than a decade. I cannot recommend Alfred unless this issue is resolved. Even if this is due to my having mapped conflicting keys — which I do not believe is the case — Alfred should provide an easy way of diagnosing this problem given that it is so easy to do.
  2. The problem is not in getting Alfred to open in response to a keypress. That works just fine. The problem is that once Alfred opens, the input field does not accept input. All other apps work just fine.
  3. ⌘space for Alfred, ⌥space for Spotlight. This has always worked for me. Just recently has Alfred started to hang/freeze. I realized I was not running the latest version of macOS. I now am, and the effect is the same.
  4. Running Alfred 5.1.4 on macOS 14.0. Periodically — I cannot detect a patten — when I open Alfred the input field appears as normal, but when I try to type into the field nothing happens. Keyboard input to all other apps is just fine. Spotlight works just fine. I have to force quit Alfred and relaunch it, and then it will work OK for a while until its input field eventually freezes again. Has anyone else observed this behavior? Any suggestions? Many thanks.
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