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rspike12 last won the day on August 3 2018

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  1. Hi I had this simple workflow (on El Capitan) that run a script to open the emoji window. this is the script: tell application "System Events" to key code 49 using {command down, control down} It's like pressing ctrl+cmd+spce shortcut to open the emoji window the problem is that the keyboard shortcut works fine with Sierra while my workflow doesn't work anymore with Sierra. Anyone can help?
  2. Is it possible to tell Alfred to digit an hotkey when I use a keyword. my problem is that I never remember the hotkey to digit emoji (ctrl+cmd+space bar) so I'd like to open Alfred, write emoji or another keyword and I'd like Alfred to digit the hotkey ctrl+cmd+space bar. Is it possible?
  3. thanks I knew the buffer but I find it not so useful I have to press three times instead of one ( 1 alt+arrow up 2 tab 3 delete).
  4. Hi is it possible to directly delete a file in the navigation menu setting a keyboard button to do it (backspace for example). I 'll explain better: I browse my downloads folder in the alfred navigation menu, to delete a file I have to press the tab button to enter in the options panel (Copy to, move to, delete, email to etc...) and then I can delete the file but Alfred menu bar goes away. I need a way to delete multiple files, the better way IMHO is to have the way to set a button (for example the backspace) to do so instead of entering another menu options to make an action on the file. Is there a way to do it?
  5. Hi two days ago I told Alfred to monitor and index the folders that I've in an external hard drive. I notice that if I resume my mac from sleeping, before I'm able to use Alfred I have a latency due to the fact that Alfred is waiting my external drive to wake up from the stand by. So I decided to remove the external hard drive from the "Search Scope" in Alfred but I still notice the latency that I had not before adding the external drive. What is going on? I have to remove the external drive form Alfred in another way?
  6. Hi when I open the Alfred search bar and I digit a 1Password login the autofill doesn't work properly. It works only if I pass through the 1Password app (in the menu bar). I made a video to better understand the problem: https://infinit.io/_/zTCKV6v Anyone with 1Password has the same problem? Any help will be appreciated. Safari 8.0.8 Alfred 2.7.2 1Password 5.3 Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
  7. Is there a way to add to the workflow the bitly feature to customize the URL?
  8. Thank you so much I was going crazy
  9. Hi two months ago I set up my web search on Alfred in this way: In this way I can, for example, activate Alfred, digit "Mona Lisa paint" and then cmd+4 to directly view the MonaLisa wikipedia page the problem is that I don't remember how I do that. I want to add "command+6" for a Youtube search but I didn't find the option in the Alfred preference panel. It should be here but I can't find
  10. Is there a way to write the time in a different way like 16:00 instead of 4:00PM?
  11. I'm not so good on scripting. Is it possible to create a workflow like this for Mailbox? http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/796-search-sparrow-workflow/ anyone can help me please?
  12. Hi I'd like to do a custom search for a site that has not a search field, the site is http://easypodcast.it I mean this kind of search with google: site://www.easypodcast.it {query} If I try to create a workflow for a search like this I obtain a red text and I can't save my workflow (like in the attachment img) Do you know how to fix this?
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