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  1. Can I set a file filter without a keyword? I'm trying to make it so the majority of applications never show up in Alfred.
  2. I don't believe a file filter will work for my purposes because I'm effectively trying to exclude most items from Alfred's default search so it only shows the results I may use. I only have a few applications that I would want to open directly.
  3. I'm trying to make Alfred exclusively show applications that I make in a workflow. I've configured these settings and reloaded my Alfred cache several times. I'm wondering if anyone knows why Alfred keeps showing all of the applications in my application folder.
  4. When I treat shortcut input as files and set files as input in a shortcut, the shortcut acts as though there's no input. The screenshot below just asks me for input when I apply the file action to selected file(s). What is causing this issue?
  5. Thank you for your response. I'd say the script runs sufficiently fast to put in a fallback result but it makes sense that it's not supported.
  6. I'm working on a workflow that runs a script to solve the input in Soulver. I can make the title Solve '{query}' IE: 4+4 will show Solve 4+4. However, I'm wondering how to make the title show the result instead. IE 4+4 would instead show 8. Is this possible? My end goal is to initiate the calculation as a fallback result rather than using a keyword.
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