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Everything posted by jwm

  1. Thanks for the help! I managed to pull the icons by literally dragging the App from Finder into the Icon box. Easy PZ I had to put in a Conditional for each App Launcher in order to Launch the particular App depending on the argument provided in the List Filter. Works great and is filterable too! Thanks!
  2. I looked into List Filters but I wasn't sure how to inherit the App Icon from the App I want to launch. Let's say it's Chrome, I can put the Title as Chrome but the icon would be blank. Another caveat is that it be nice to be able to search the results. For example, typing 'c' would filter the list and show "Chrome" Is that possible with a List Filter?
  3. I've looked at the Help pages and the Getting Started examples, I've been searching online for hours now and can't quite find what I'm looking for. Surely I'm missing something obvious because what I'm trying build isn't that complex. I just want a pre-defined list of Apps (that are on my computer) and when you select one, it opens it. Very similar to how Alfred's basic functionality works but restricted to a few set of apps. All the examples I've seen are file references or URL references I'm not sure where to look
  4. I restarted my computer and it seems to be working normally now. I'll keep an eye out if it stops working again after running certain apps 🤞
  5. @Vero Doesn't seem to make a difference https://cln.sh/R3SYhHh5
  6. Hi there, Still not working on my end Here is a screen recording: https://cln.sh/z8wBdH2K I'm on MacOS Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81) and Alfred 5.1.4 (2195)
  7. I'm also having this same exact problem. None of my snippets paste or clipboard history paste properly. When I press Return on an item, it merely just adds the item or snippet result into my clipboard.
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