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Everything posted by Broeiend

  1. Oké, this works thank you. And how can I get to run terminal in silent mode? Got it, I saw your post on another page. I added a "Run script" instead of a "Terminal Command" so now the terminal isn't opened anymore. Thank you David
  2. The URL of phyllisstein seems to be broken
  3. Solved it. Added a terminal command: #browse to wp-theme-bone folder cd ~Volumes/WERKSCHIJF/DEVELOPMENT/local/wordpress.ms/wp-content/themes/wp-theme-bone #open folder in sublime text (notice the .) /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl .
  4. Thnx for your reply. Oké I kinda get what you are saying. Your suggestion on opening a folder with different programs is very nice, but not quite wat I am looking for. The scenario is, I add a keyword "development" and then Alfred shows me the projects I have added there. For instance one is a local development on my system named "wordpressmu". This triggers automatically a few programs, and then I want it to open the folder with Sublime Text in which my program is located. I'm new to Alfred, so could you be more specific in how to add it to the "Workflows" tab? You say "..at the command line" do you mean I have to Add (+ icon) the Action "Terminal command", and add for instance this line: "open -a /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/ <//Volumes/WERKSCHIJF/DEVELOPMENT/local/wordpress.ms/wp-content/themes>"
  5. When you want to add a Workflow where a specific folder opens in the app Sublime Text Editor 2, how can one specify which folder to open?
  6. Hey Florian, I am interested in the Evernote workflow you created. I'm new to Alfred so don't really know all the possibilitys. Could you give me some examples of how I can use your Evernote workflow?
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