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Posts posted by raguay.customct

  1. Yea, not sure either. Next time it happens, I will try to debug some more. Not sure how to debug. Was wondering if you had any ideas? Also, I was hoping someone else might of seen this as well. If the AppleScript Extenal trigger code is on a separate thread, it might be that thread is dying somehow. I do run many processes, so it might be a memory issue. 


    Side note: I have not seen this happen on my 10.10 system (Mac Mini with half the memory as my Mac Air). But, I do not run as many processes on it as it is slow enough.


    I have been experimenting with a remote control workflow that launches scripts on a separate system. That workflow is mostly external triggers triggered by Hazel when a dropbox file is updated. Since I have over 20 external triggers on all of my workflows combined, could it be hitting a limit somewhere?



  2. I forgot to mention:


    OSX 10.9 with all updates

    Alfred 2.4


    When Alfred does not work with the external trigger, running scripts that do not have external triggers in the path of execution run normally. Therefore, it is not a problem with an external program (like TextSoap).

  3. Hi,


    I have come across a repeating, but not easily repeatable problem. Many times, but not always, when my system has been on longer than a day, external triggers are no longer actionable. This show up mostly in my workflow for TextSoap. When I use the hotkey for repeating the last performed cleaner, it dies at the calling an external trigger. The debugger does not show anything. It just does not do anything. The hotkey copies the highlighted text (OS selection) just fine, but the external trigger never fires. After a reboot, everything works as expected. Since it works after a reboot, I am not sure what is causing the failure.


    The external trigger did not work from AppleScript editor either until after rebooting. After rebooting, it works fine from any source.


    If you can think of something to test when it fails, let me know.



  4. It still works for me. If the blue paste button shows, then PopClip is working for you as well. If it does not detect that a word is selected, it assumes you want to paste there. You might look at the AppleScript and see if it has PopClip name correct.


    If none of those things work, it is most likely a problem with PopClip, not Alfred. You can even copy the script to AppleScript Editor and see if it works there. To prove the hotkey works, add a notification to the hotkey with the text "PopClip Hotkey". If it shows up, then the problem you are having has nothing to do with Alfred.


    If the notification does not show, then you have some other application on top of that hotkey. Try stopping one application at a time until the hotkey works. That will show you which one is causing the problems. It would be really nice to have a program that shows what each running application has assigned to hotkeys. That would be very handy to debug hotkey overlapping.


    I hope this helps.

  5. It works for me. Try to see if something else is clobbering your hotkey. I have that happen a lot. I would love to get a program that mapped out every hotkey assignment on my system. Great for debugging.


    Try changing your hotkey. That might help.

  6. Very nice workflow.


    Richard: You should just be able to make a copy of the workflow for each account (changing the bundle ID and keyword). Your credentials are stored under the bundle ID in your Keychain, so they won't clash.


    Yea, that is what I ended up doing. Just changed the keyword to differentiate accounts.

  7. Hey, just to let you know, on my system it is producing these errors:


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: PHP Strict Standards:  mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B84730B0-E4BE-47F1-A36D-7BF11DA7105C/script.php on line 181
    PHP Strict Standards:  mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B84730B0-E4BE-47F1-A36D-7BF11DA7105C/functions.php on line 164
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] XML Parse Error 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)'. Row (null), Col (null): 'Document is empty' in XML:
    Strict Standards: mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B84730B0-E4BE-47F1-A36D-7BF11DA7105C/script.php on line 181

    Strict Standards: mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B84730B0-E4BE-47F1-A36D-7BF11DA7105C/functions.php on line 164


    When I place 'error_reporting(0);' at the top of the script.php file takes care of the problem. I am using PHP 5.4.24 which does not like the use of mktime because it is soon to be discontinued. I had mentioned this one before, but it looks like it crept in again. I had just updated the workflow from Packal.

  8. Hi,


    Just added two new commands to this workflow:


    This allows you to add a message line to the end of a block with the @inbox tag.
    This one will get a list of tags in the top FoldingText document. The user can select a tag and then give a message. That message will be added to the end of that tag node.
    Try them out and let me know how they work for you.
  9. Well, one system I upgraded to Yosemite. At first, I could not change my Theme, but they were all there. Then I exited Alfred and relaunched. All the none standard themes disappeared. I sync Alfred via Dropbox with my Mac Air. The Air (10.9) is still working and shows all the themes. 


    To change themes under Yosemite, you have to select the theme, exit Alfred, and relaunch Alfred.

  10. I needed to see what a zip file had inside, but realized I did not have anything but command line. So, I threw this together and it works great. One command:


    This will show you the zip files in your home directory's Documents folder. When you select one, it will open a Python window showing the contents of the zip file. You can change the File Filter to only look in folders that pertain to your work.
    Version: 1.0
  11. The latest version of FoldingText is really good. And, you can expand it with JavaScript as you need. I am really liking it. It does todo lists, timers, and of course text folding. You can add more types of processing also. I use it to write my tutorials, fold the text I do not want in a word count, and run my Alfred script to count unfold text areas. Works great!


    The TaskPaper 3 is coming out soon. It will be a complete revamp done off of the FoldingText base. I believe WriteRoom will be revamped soon also.


    The idea he has is FoldingText is the main one and the others are smaller pieces of the larger FoldingText. Another company said they were going to make an IOS version completely compatible with TaskPaper. Hogbay just could not keep supporting IOS with their staff.

  12. I believe the error is misleading. Here is the note about it in my Dash:



    As of PHP 5.1, when called with no arguments, mktime() throws an E_STRICT notice: use the time() function instead.


    You must be using it somewhere without arguments. I run strict to catch everything in my development.

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