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Posts posted by raguay.customct

  1. Hi, I just pushed a fix to the workflow. It now has a list that does not show the results for slower systems. I also fixed some bugs with the massagers in the list view. Give it a try and let me know if there are more massagers needed. Thanks for everyone's feedback.

  2. Well, it works as is for me, no one ever comments on any of my workflow except to criticize the execution of it and not ever report real bugs. I also figure that anyone who really wanted it might like the full abilities of it installed and not just a simple lookup for browsing utility. If it is installed as a Service, then it can generate markdown links and references. That would not work as well in Alfred. I was just simply porting what Brett did for LaunchBar. Ask him why he did it that way!

  3. Hi,


    I created a new workflow to help me edit my Powerline configuration. It has these features:


    **Powerline Toolbox** This is a toolbox of functions for working with [Powerline](). Currently, the commands are:
    pl:loc     -  Gives the location of the pip installation of Powerline. It will open it in Alfred, in Finder if the ctrl key is pressed, or in Terminal if the cmd key is pressed. |
    pl:doc    - Will open the documentation for Powerline. |
    pl:fonts  - Will open the fonts download page for Powerline. |
    pl:github- Will open the GitHub page for Powerline. |
    pl:editor - Will allow you to set the text editor for editing Powerline configuration files. |
    pl:conf   - Will allow you to browse the Powerline configuration directory and edit the files and create new files. 
    pl:goconf- This will open the configuration directory in Alfred or in Finder if the cmd key is pressed. |
  4. I split this workflow up into a Budgets Workflow, Notes workflow, and a Todo Workflow. Each allows you to set the editor you want to use, but does have a default as Calca and TaskPaper. You can get them off of my GitHub account (https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred) or read about them on my web site (http://customct.com/alfred-2-workflows).


    If you need a functionality that I do not have, let me know and I might find time to add it. Thanks.

  5. It is faster. To open in a script, you are opening a shell, running the interpreter, then the script. In the box, Alfred simply runs the interpreter with the script script. It's one less level. Running it as a command line script always creates an extra program to run that is not necessary.


    Also, many who read the articles are not command line savvy. Alfred workflows are for everyone, even those that are not great at the command line. Many are able to run script piecemeal from others examples even though they are not great at scripting. I have been able to teach others simple script programming using Alfred without them getting scared at the command line. Many do.


    Now, with the Alfred debugger, creating a script file and running it in a command line has no advantage (as I showed in the article). I can get the same information from running the scripts in the box as I can running them on command line. The only advantage running in a script file is being able to use a different editor.


    Also, if you run in the box, you can use the Alfred macro {query} directly. You do not have to process it as an input. This is actually safer way to run it as the user could inject shell scripts into your script doing the other approach. It is also a little less processing that needs to be done. I hate to wait, and with a system that is processing a lot of videos (I do a lot of video editing and processing), any help in speed is a great help to my productivity.


    It is also a preference. I like other to easily see the code I write so that they can learn from it. It's the teacher in me, but not a good one.



  6. I just pushed the latest version to the GitHub account. Since I am using builtin PHP functions, the limitations are based on those functions. I believe those functions do not handle quotes correctly. I would have to research that one. Live preview works, but does slow down the script.

  7. Hi CarlosNZ,


    See if the change I made is like you were thinking. It now has a new command that is actived by hotkey also. With it, you select which massager to perform and it will perform it. Give it a try.



  8. Fish Toolbox


    This is a toolbox of functions for working with the [Fish Shell](http://fishshell.com/).  You can install fish shell with homebrew:


    brew install fish


    Currently, the functions are:


    f:seteditor        Set the code editor to use

    f:editfunction   Edit a Fish function. It will show a list of possible functions to edit. If you press FN key and select a function, that function will be deleted.

    f:editconfig      Edit the Fish Configuration file.

    f:newfunction  Create a new fish function.


    with more to come.



    Or from Packal!

  9. Yes, you can use a script filter like this. Script filters are great for many types of programming. But, when you hit enter, the item selected is the one that get actioned. You need to make sure there is one created for just your current input. And then make sure it is selected before hitting enter. You could write the Script Filter to not show past ones if you are typing anything. Or, as you type in queries, compare them to the others and only show the ones that match the comparison. 


    This article shows ways to make this work: http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/alfred-workflows-for-advanced--mac-60963

  10. If you get this add on to Chrome you can just click on the file to down load it directly:




    I just tried it and it worked for me. Just click on the file icon to the left of the file you want to download after loading this extension.


    Let me know if it helps. Also, any suggestions for improvements on the workflow would be good. I am working on removing name choices that already exist. But, I have not had time to tackle it completely.

  11. Just click on the link and it takes you to GitHub account for the workflow. Then right click on the text "Raw View" and click "Save as..." in the submenu. It should download as SermonScheduler.alfredworkflow. Double click on that and Alfred should load it up. Alternatively, you could clone the repository and all the workflow will be copied to your directory. Then you just double click on the one you want. To clone, open a terminal in your Documents folder and type


    git clone https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred.git


    When it finishes, you will have a git repository directory named MyAlfred in your Documents folder. Just look in there for the workflow you are interested in and double click on it. If you keep the whole directory on you system, when I make changes you can just use git to update the workflows in your directory with a:


    git pull


    I will look into a way to make the Git downloads a little easier.

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