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Posts posted by M1m1s

  1. 6 minutes ago, Stephen_C said:

    Have you ensured that your preferences are available offline?


    See also this thread for someone who had slightly similar problems when syncing Alfred's preferences using iCloud.



    Thank you for your reply.


    Indeed, I managed to delete it after reverting from iCloud preference syncing to local preferences, according to https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/sync/disable-sync/ .

  2. ChatFred refuses to be deleted.

    I'm using latest Aflred 5.5 with Powerpack.

    I selected ChatFred in Preferences/Workflows and clicked on the minus sign. Restarted Alfred, ChatFred is still there.

    I tried quitting Alfred and deleting the workflow folder (/Users/../Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2B0A40EC-71DD-45B9-9CFA-86EB17E10497). OS didn't allow me to delete.

    I can only disable the workflow.

    I would be grateful for any help uninstalling it, now that we have https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/openai/ by Alfred Team.

  3. When the issue happens I'm typing COMMAND X once to cut a word/phrase. Instead, Alfred  fast-appends selected text to the previous clipboard and makes the characteristic noise to let you know it has.
    EDIT: It just now happened when I typed COMMAND X, rather than COMMAND C. I can replicate it every time. I amended text above to reflect that.

    'Fast-append' and 'Place merged' are both selected in Settings.
    I'm able to replicate it a second time (and a third and a fourth) by performing the same action.

    [EDIT: I was under the impression it happened randomly. I now think it's not random - it's just that it occurs with COMMAND X and not COMMAND C that gave me the impression that it was random. Apologies for the confusion.]


    Alfred 5.0.6 [2110] with Powerpack.
    Macbook Air M1 Ventura 13.2.1.
    Microsoft Word for Mac v. 16.69.


    See also Closed Bug https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7358-clipboard-merge-causes-fast-append-when-not-wanted/ for recent reports of the issue.

  4. Brilliant!

    Keyword 'nt' indeed searches for tags. It's not mentioned in the Readme or in the forum but it's there if you open the workflow in Alfred.

    Your immediate reply is most appreciated, and if you ever find time to look into more tag functionality it would be great. I think a kind of tag cloud in Apple Notes is a much-needed feature, and anything you could do in that direction would be awesome. Cheers!

  5. @sballinThank you for this wonderful workflow - most helpful. I only came across it a couple of days ago but it's transformative.


    I have a feature request: I wonder if it would be possible to search for tags? Preferably for notes which have certain multiple tags, e.g. search for +food +recipe + vegetables.


    Even more helpful, would it be possible for the workflow to auto-suggest other tags used together with a specific tag, e.g. type tag:food and the workflow returns 'tag:recipe tag:vegetables' etc.?


    Perhaps this would be a tall order, I don't know. Your workflow is fantastic as is!

  6. On 5/20/2022 at 6:20 AM, MakeLimeade said:

    I'm sure I'm not the only person that this was making nuts.

    You're not - I'm going nuts, too. 

    I don't have iTerm on my Macbook Air M1 Monterey 12.6.1.

    The issue occurs at least in Microsoft Word for Mac v. 16.69 (not sure about other apps).

  7. Hi Nelson, still using your workflow full four years now! If only the single quote character (') didn't break it! Do you know any way to fix that? Whenever there's a possessive in the phrase I want to look up, the workflow does not work. No biggie, anyway, and thanks!

  8. Thanks for the workflow. Works great! I wonder if you could help me. I want to adapt it to use Google phrase search instead. The Google phrase search URL is <https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&as_q=&as_epq={query}&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=&as_occt=any&safe=off>. I tried substituting this in your workflow, using either {query} or "$q" but couldn't get it to work. Any suggestions appreciated!

  9. After all, it appears that both Reference and reference are searched, whichever of the two I select, so workflow works as it should. Sorry for the false alarm, I was confused by Reference and reference appearing as separate entries. It would indeed be great if they could be merged in one, but it's not important as long as both are searched. Thank you once again!

  10. Thanks! Today I entered 'packal status', pressed enter, and got something like 'talking to the server' for an instant but then nothing. When I type 'packal status' and press enter, I get the message: 'nothing found - try another query'.


    Debugger info is probably the same as last time:


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 11:15:44 workflow.py:940 DEBUG    Loading cached data from : /Users/*/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-packal-search/workflows.cache

    11:15:44 packal.py:138 DEBUG    404 workflows in cache

    11:15:44 packal.py:158 DEBUG    404 workflows found in cache

  11. Thanks for fast reply!


    Cleared the cache but still get the error:


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 0: 22:19:05 workflow.py:940 DEBUG    Loading cached data from : /Users/*/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-packal-search/workflows.cache

    22:19:05 packal.py:138 DEBUG    404 workflows in cache

    22:19:05 packal.py:158 DEBUG    404 workflows found in cache



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