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  1. OK, think I understand how it works. Thank you!
  2. Well, that wasn't true, was it. I just enabled Keychain Access through Safari. So my original question is still up. Need some help.
  3. My problem is solved. I'm embarrassed, Safari auto inclusion of username/password was disabled!
  4. Must ask, when using the 1p workflow should the 1Password app be opened? In my system whatever I do, the workflow always end up in a condition where 1Password have to be opened. My thought was the the CLI would facilitate communication with 1Password without having it open. Here is my diagnostic output ### Workflow version 2022.15 ### Alfred version 5.0 ### macOS version 12.5 ### Architecture arm64 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.9.0-1.BETA ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: 2.6.0 ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature NOT enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed ### Workflow version 2022.15 ### Alfred version 5.0 ### macOS version 12.5 ### Architecture arm64 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.9.0-1.BETA ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: 2.6.0 ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature NOT enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed
  5. I can add this Applescript, which shows a quite odd behaviour, if your localisation is not "English". display dialog "the Date string: " & (current date) & "\n\n the weekday: " & (weekday of (current date)) resulting in this for "Swedish" setting.
  6. I'm on 10.14.2 β3, but I believe its been like this at least on all 10.14 but I have had a mail-conversation with Smile that started Nov 11, 2017 and at that date I was on 10.13.2 β (17C67b) (identical problem with my TextExpander snippets). I do recall that the behaviour was happening with the β-releases and eventually got fixed with the public-release. However, I'm almost sure it never worked on 10.14. Best regards Gunnar
  7. I have the same problem with Swedish not being honoured. Further, writing an Applescript like set theDate to the current date display dialog "Today is: " & theDate performs OK if executed in "my" environment and results in "Today is: fredag 16 november 2018 14:55:43", but moving it e.g. to DEVONthink scripting area (~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Scripts) and activating it from within DEVONthink results in "Today is: Friday, 16 November 2018 at 14:57:04". Same thing with TextExpander.
  8. I got the "push" part working alright, notifications and all, but the "pull" command does nothing. Am I missing a setting or something?
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