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Posts posted by pazu

  1. I’ve just used Task Explorer (from Objective-see.com) to scan my Mac and found Bkav Pro in the Alfred Framework:


    /Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/Frameworks/Alfred Framework.framework/Versions/A/Alfred Framework


    The report can be seen here:
    One engine detected this file
    Bkav Pro: VEX.Webshell

    Is it something that we should be concerned about?


    (Anyway, this is a new Mac, installed very few softwares so far.)

    Screenshot 2021-01-23 at 9.23.16 AM.png

  2. Hi, thanks for making this script. 


    I deleted the old workflow, restart my computer, download and install the new one, but it doesn't work for me. 


    I can see a message showing "upload to imgur", but I couldn't find the uploaded URL and the image doesn't show up in my Imgur. 


    Could anyone help? Thanks!

  3. HI, thanks for making this egg timer. 


    I would like to make an egg timer for several seconds, sometimes I just want to type "timer 45 seconds" but I'm not very familiar with the command in the script, is there a way to modify it? Thank you!






    if [[ ${input[0]} =~ ^[0-9,:]+$ ]]; then
    ./scripts/input_new_timer.sh "$x"
    ./scripts/input_other_options.sh "$x"
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