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Gary King

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Posts posted by Gary King

  1. I'll try to rebuild the OS X metadata as a last resort, just because it takes so much time. Or I'll do it when I'm away from my Mac.


    "find" works fine for "find .txt" for instance, but nothing is returned for "find .rb". My options in Spotlight itself are all good; everything is checkmarked, and there are no excluded folders.


    I have quick file search enabled already. Finding other files, such as with "'.txt", "'.pdf" works fine.


    Any other suggestions? Thanks!

  2. But that doesn't make sense. It seems like if I use the space search, then it searches the exact same things that Spotlight finds. I know this because when I search for "'.txt", then all .txt files in ~/Projects appears in Alfred just fine.

  3. The .rb files are located in ~/Projects/. This is not in the search scope.


    I thought that file search, with the space, is basically the same as performing a search with Spotlight? Because these .rb files appear in the Spotlight search results, but not in the Alfred file search results.

  4. Personally I think I'd rather have NO notification appear if something goes wrong, because when a notification appears, I rarely look at it. I usually perform an action, and if a notification appears within a second or two and I can see it in my peripheral vision, then that's just confirmation that what I did actually worked.


    So I don't mind if when something goes wrong, that the notification does not appear.


    The workflow and script I'm using now, I didn't write it; it's written in Bash and Python. From what I can tell, from the last line, it gets the response from a POST command and prints out its "content" field. Hopefully that field is therefore non-existent/empty when the site is down, so that the notification does not appear (I've set the notifications to only appear when {query} exists).

  5. I've got a workflow for adding tasks to a todo website. It basically just sends a POST request to an API. When the task is added, I get a Post Notification telling me so.


    If the website is down when I run this workflow to add a task, then would the Post Notification still appear? Ideally, of course, either the notification does NOT appear if the site is down, so I know something went wrong; or better yet, it would tell me that something went wrong when it tried to send a POST request to the API.

  6. I removed Contacts from my default results because they clutter it up too much. But I'd still like to access my Contacts through Alfred.


    Is there a way to create a keyword to search my Contacts in Alfred? Like "co <first name>" to search Contacts?


    Thanks in advance!

  7. I'm just having a play with this now and have decided that if you set tab to show actions then backtab will auto complete (i.e. shift+tab). This will be documented in the subtext under Alfred's Features > File Search > Actions > Show Actions prefs.


    This will be in the next release :)





    That doesn't sound intuitive to me. Shift-tab is usually meant to do the exact reverse of what Tab does; for instance when navigating menu items, Tab goes to the next menu item and Shift-Tab goes to the previous one. So Shift-Tab so instead go from the Action pane back to the results list.

  8. Waiting for Alfred to load up results from my external drives was taking too long (5 seconds each time I opened up Alfred), so I decided to remove my external drive from the default search scope, and create a new workflow to search just my external volume instead. I'll see how that works out. Hopefully, the default file search using an apostrophe ' won't be slowed down anymore, now that it no longer has to interface with my external drive at all.

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