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Helmut Hauser

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  1. I completely agree with that! That would really great, especially, if you want to share your workflows with other people! Thank you for considering that feature. All the best, Helmut
  2. I have written/adapted a couple of AppleScripts and packed them into a Alfred 2 workflow to speed up my deferring process in Omnifocus. The idea is that when I go through my daily task list or inbox in Omnifocus I often move them to later in the day (e.g., after lunch or towards the evening when I have less energy) or to the next day. Some of these I move even to the weekend evening, when I do my weekly planning. You can download the workflow here (version 1.1): https://www.dropbox.com/s/54g74rxp6yegjd4/Defer_tasks_in_Omnifocus_v1.1.alfredworkflow?dl=0 ​More details on how to make changes (adapt it for your needs) can be found here: http://www.helmuthauser.com/blog/2014/speed-deferring-omnifocus-tasks Here is a list of implemented shortcuts: The idea is that you can go through your tasks with the arrow keys. If you want to move the currently highlighted task (or multiple tasks), you can choose from the previously described options. The corresponding shortcuts are define with arrow keys too. The idea is to use "⌥⌘" for deferring to today and "⌃⌥⌘" to tomorrow. The arrow keys are "↓" for morning, "→" for afternoon, and "↑" for evening. ⌥ ⌘ ↓ today (morning) ⌥ ⌘ → today 14:00 (afternoon) ⌥ ⌘ ↑ today 18:00 (evening) ---------------------------------------- ⌃⌥ ⌘ ↓ tomorrow (morning) ⌃⌥ ⌘ → tomorrow 14:00 (afternoon) ⌃⌥ ⌘ ↑ tomorrow 18:00 (evening) ---------------------------------------- ⌥ ⌘ ← next Sunday 18:00 (to plan my next week) ⌃ ⌥ ⌘ ← next Saturday (morning) to follow up task that I was not able to do during the week I change sometimes this to a specific date , e.g., the first day after the vacations or after some busy deadline (to move quickly task out of my sight until things calm down) Enjoy and have a great day, Helmut ======================================== January 26, 2015 - Version 1.1 ======================================== Updated version: – added a clean up action after deferring tasks – changed the short cut for next Sunday to ⌥ ⌘ ← – added another shortcut (default next Saturday) with shortcut ⌃⌥ ⌘ ← – fixed a small error for the next Sunday script that occurred when the next Sunday was already in the next month/year
  3. Hello everybody, I wanted to share with you a little Alfred 2 workflow (based on two AppleScripts) I use to prepare my laptop for a presentation. It switches off certain applications, mute the volume, and it starts Caffeine. You can adapt it very easily for your needs. A corresponding AppleScript starts the application and increases the volume again. You can download the workflow here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5qu6jgfjeqbqii/Presentation%20Mode%20ON%3AOFF.alfredworkflow?dl=0 You can find a little bit more details (e.g., the used AppleScripts and how to make changes) here: http://www.helmuthauser.com/blog/2014/applescript-to-prepare-your-laptop-for-a-presentation Have a great day! Helmut
  4. Dear all, I would like to use Alfred 2 to start a specific Apple Script in Omnifocus. I tried to build a workflow, but I was not successful. I use a keyboard trigger, which should only work when Omnifocus is focused (I have adapted "Related Apps" accordingly). I tried it with "Run Script" (using oascript with either coping and pasting the script and also by using the the path to the script) and I tried it with NSAppleScript (simply copy and pasted the script right into it) and it did not work :-( Any suggestion? Thank you very much for your help. All the best, Helmut PS: Here is the script. It works when I call in Omnifocus. -- Downloaded From: http://c-command.com/scripts/omnifocus/defer-to-tomorrow -- Last Modified: 2014-05-22 on run {} repeat with _action in my selectedActions() my processAction(_action) end repeat end run on selectedActions() tell application "OmniFocus" return my filterValues(my selectedValues(), {inbox task, task, available task, remaining task}) end tell end selectedActions on selectedValues() tell application "OmniFocus" return value of selected trees of content of first document window of front document end tell end selectedValues on filterValues(_values, _classes) tell application "OmniFocus" set _result to {} repeat with _value in _values if _classes contains _value's class then copy _value to end of _result end if end repeat return _result end tell end filterValues on processAction(_action) tell application "OmniFocus" set _action's defer date to my calculateDate(_action's defer date) end tell end processAction on calculateDate(_oldDate) if _oldDate is missing value then return my midnightTomorrow() else return (my midnightTomorrow()) + (time of _oldDate) end if end calculateDate on midnightTomorrow() set _date to current date set day of _date to ((_date's day) + 1) set time of _date to 0 return _date end midnightTomorrow
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