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Posts posted by scottfwalter

  1. 4 minutes ago, scottfwalter said:



    I am having an issue in which the keyboard shortcuts don't work when I search for a password.  For example, pressing enter on a search result does nothing except close the Alfred field.   Pressing ctrl and enter on an item goes to the 1Password browser search.  Any idea what is going on?


    ### Workflow version

    ### Alfred version

    ### macOS version

    ### Architecture

    ### Preferences
    Dict {

    ### 1Password version

    ### op version

    ### Launchd job
    Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.vitor.1password



    Looks like :1pextras → Force Update Items solved my issue!

  2. Hi,


    I am having an issue in which the keyboard shortcuts don't work when I search for a password.  For example, pressing enter on a search result does nothing except close the Alfred field.   Pressing ctrl and enter on an item goes to the 1Password browser search.  Any idea what is going on?


    ### Workflow version

    ### Alfred version

    ### macOS version

    ### Architecture

    ### Preferences
    Dict {

    ### 1Password version

    ### op version

    ### Launchd job
    Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.vitor.1password



  3. I would like to use Alfred Remote with my iPad as a control board for when I'm working on my Mac.  Would it be possible to dim/shut off  the screen after a time period but at the same time prevent the iOS locking time to expire.  Its a little bit of a pain every 15 minutes having to click the home button and re-enter my passcode.


    Hope this is possible.


  4. After I added a remote trigger and creating a new page I was able to add a button to run my workflow.  However I'm not quite sure what remote pages are.   I tried to add my workflow by clicking the "+" on the remote tab I see the message "No workflows currently contain remote pages".  I guess the "+" is to create pages on not add individual workflows.


    Hopefully you can talk about what remote pages are.

  5. Apparently youtube doesn't know what *best* quality means.  Even though there was a 1080p version of a video it downloaded the 720p version:

    format code extension resolution  note
    139         m4a       audio only  DASH audio   49k , audio@ 48k (22050Hz), 581.15KiB (worst)
    140         m4a       audio only  DASH audio  129k , audio@128k (44100Hz), 1.51MiB
    171         webm      audio only  DASH audio  132k , audio@128k (44100Hz), 1.30MiB
    172         webm      audio only  DASH audio  193k , audio@256k (44100Hz), 1.90MiB
    141         m4a       audio only  DASH audio  255k , audio@256k (44100Hz), 2.99MiB
    278         webm      256x144     DASH video   97k , webm container, VP9, video only, 593.79KiB
    160         mp4       256x144     DASH video  121k , video only, 1.17MiB
    242         webm      426x240     DASH video  215k , video only, 1.05MiB
    133         mp4       426x240     DASH video  296k , video only, 2.63MiB
    243         webm      640x360     DASH video  382k , video only, 1.89MiB
    134         mp4       640x360     DASH video  354k , video only, 2.26MiB
    244         webm      854x480     DASH video  614k , video only, 3.04MiB
    135         mp4       854x480     DASH video  676k , video only, 4.67MiB
    247         webm      1280x720    DASH video 1161k , video only, 5.82MiB
    136         mp4       1280x720    DASH video 1221k , video only, 9.26MiB
    248         webm      1920x1080   DASH video 2010k , video only, 10.77MiB
    137         mp4       1920x1080   DASH video 2342k , video only, 18.47MiB
    17          3gp       176x144
    36          3gp       320x240
    5           flv       400x240
    43          webm      640x360
    18          mp4       640x360
    22          mp4       1280x720    (best)

    I added this flag into the getfile method to get it to download a 1080p version:


    -f 137/22/18/17 

  6. S


    If you look at the path, you'll see that it's looking for Ruby 1.8. Yosemite has Ruby 2.0 on it, so you could just change those paths if something else like this comes up.

    Actually you can't use Ruby 2.0 with this Workflow.  One of the underlying Ruby libraries the workflow uses is not compatible with Ruby 2.0.   You can use the experimental version (there's a link in the first post) which uses Perl instead of Ruby.

  7. All,


    I have a workflow that allows you to search for iTunes Art Work.  There are three keywords:







    Once you search for a movie, tv show, or music it will open up two tabs in your browser with a standard resolution image and high resolution image.   This workflow is based on Ben Dodson's Artwork Finder https://github.com/bendodson/itunes-artwork-finder/


    You may download this work flow from https://github.com/scottfwalter/iTunes-Artwork-Search



    FYI -- This workflow searches the U.S. iTunes stored which can easily be changed by updating the script filter to pass in a different country code.



  8. Thanks for this workflow I modified it a bit:


    1.  One of my ethernet addresses did not start with a number so your grep was removing it.

    2.  I added the name of the device next to the 

    3.  Removed displaying interfaces that do not have an ip address

    4.  Added displaying the public facing ip address

    INTERFACES=$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep -B 2 "Ethernet Address: [a-f]*" | grep -v -E '(Ethernet|\-\-)' | cut -d":" -f2 | paste -s -d" " -)
    # Parse through interfaces
    for interface in $INTERFACES
    	CMD_OUT=$(ifconfig $interface inet 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(option|flags)' | cut -d" " -f2)
    	if [ -z $CMD_OUT ]; then
    		if [ $CMD_OUT = "interface" ]; then
    			echo "$(networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep -B 1 "Device: $interface" | grep "Hardware Port" | cut -d":" -f2) ($interface) $CMD_OUT"
    echo " Public Facing $(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)"
  9. For whatever reason I couldn't get the existing Rotten Tomatoes Workflows to work so I wrote my own.  Its pretty basic and has three main keywords:


    "movies" to search for movies

    "soon" movies coming out this month

    "opening" movies opening this weekend


    Too bad the Rotten Tomatoes API only shows coming soon movies for the current month.  I tried to get the movies coming out for the next 3 months but they just don't expose an API for that purpose.  Bummer.


    You will need to setup a Rotten Tomatoes API Key so that the workflow will work properly.  First get a API key from http://developer.rottentomatoes.com.  Once you have the API key use the keyword "rottenkey" to set the API key.


    This is my first published workflow so please let me know if you see any areas for improvement.  Finally you can download the workflow from http://scottwalter.com/files/RottenTomatoes.alfredworkflow

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