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  1. ?Hi all. A helpful person on the 1password forum solved the issue for me: I had this exact same issue. Ended up being because the .config directory in my home folder was owned by root rather than me. Confirm by running ls -la ~ | grep .config Mine was: drwxr-xr-x 4 root staff 128 Jul 27 22:54 .config This means that directory is owned by root and grouped to staff To resolve: sudo chown username ~/.config where "username" is your actual username. You can find that by running the command whoami
  2. Terminal says: iMac:~ davidbier$ /usr/local/bin/op signin --force [ERROR] 2022/07/21 19:16:23 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied
  3. OK. the issue I'm facing is that when I open the Alfred dialogue and use the 1P command to 'Sign in and update items' I get the terminal saying I'm running an old version of the CLI despite having updated it (I thought) See Terminal output: Last login: Thu Jul 21 17:56:24 on ttys000 You have mail. The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`. For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050. iMac:~ davidbier$ /bin/zsh /var/folders/mt/6hsg69gn461by0hg349zgz6c0000gn/T/tmp.7Yirk0rH [ERROR] 2022/07/21 18:02:57 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied ./1password.js: execution error: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700) [ERROR] 2022/07/21 18:02:57 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied ./1password.js: execution error: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700) /Users/davidbier/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2188584F-CC60-49F0-8525-BAB76ADBC925/signin.zsh:16: command not found: '' ------------------------- IMPORTANT ------------------------- You have an old version of the 1Password command-line tool. Install the latest version from: https://1password.com/downloads/command-line/ Then run the Workflow again. You may close the terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the Alfred debugger output: [18:02:13.251] Logging Started... [18:02:51.694] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [18:02:51.710] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [18:02:51.712] 1Password[Script Filter] { "items": [{ "title": "Sign in and update items", "subtitle": "Your terminal will open with instructions", "arg": "update_items" }] } [18:02:56.624] 1Password[Script Filter] Processing complete [18:02:56.626] 1Password[Script Filter] Passing output 'update_items' to Conditional [18:02:56.627] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete [18:02:56.628] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'update_items' to Run Script [18:02:56.638] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [18:02:56.638] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '/var/folders/mt/6hsg69gn461by0hg349zgz6c0000gn/T/tmp.7Yirk0rH' to Terminal Command [18:02:57.414] 1Password[Terminal Command] Processing complete [18:02:57.419] 1Password[Terminal Command] Passing output '/var/folders/mt/6hsg69gn461by0hg349zgz6c0000gn/T/tmp.7Yirk0rH' to Run Script
  4. Yes, I thought I'd come back and try again. Apologies. New output below ### Workflow version 2022.13 ### Alfred version 4.7 ### macOS version 12.4 ### Architecture i386 ### Workflow environment variables Dict { auto_refresh = 1 logins_only = 0 hostnames_only = 1 } ### 1Password version 8.8.0 ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: 2.5.1 ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature NOT enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed
  5. Aah. ### Workflow version 2022.12 ### Alfred version 4.7 ### macOS version 12.4 ### Architecture i386 ### Workflow environment variables Dict { auto_refresh = 1 logins_only = 0 hostnames_only = 1 } ### 1Password version 8.8.0 ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: 2.5.1 ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature NOT enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed
  6. iMac:~ davidbier$ !1pdiagnostics defaultspdiagnostics -bash: defaultspdiagnostics: command not found iMac:~ davidbier$
  7. Hi, I can't log in as I get the following in Terminal: [ERROR] 2022/06/10 17:41:26 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied ./1password.js: execution error: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700) [ERROR] 2022/06/10 17:41:26 cannot create directory "/Users/davidbier/.config/op" and the parent directories: mkdir /Users/davidbier/.config/op: permission denied ./1password.js: execution error: Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700) /Users/davidbier/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2188584F-CC60-49F0-8525-BAB76ADBC925/signin.zsh:16: command not found: '' ------------------------- IMPORTANT ------------------------- You have an old version of the 1Password command-line tool. Install the latest version from: https://1password.com/downloads/command-line/ Then run the Workflow again. You may close the terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------- I have visited the URL and updated the CLI.
  8. Hi - I followed this thread and have performed all the steps, plus restarted Alfred, but I still can't search for 1P logins, though I can see them in the Alfred preferences
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