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Selected Texts Not Captured


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It happened many times that the Hotkey Trigger fails to read the selected texts, especially after the system runs for a while. This doesn't happen all the time though so I am not able to reproduce it precisely. But it does stop functioning almost every time after the system is started for a while, and I have to reboot the OS then it functions normally. Actually, I just updated Alfred to the latest before this post and it works normally after updating. Sadly it failed soon again.

I wonder it's a common issue many people encountered before, but didn't find a similar post.


If this is a OS X issue or some other program conflicts with Alfred I look forward to some workaround too.



  • Alfred: v2.8.8 (443)
  • OS: Yosemite 10.10.5 (14F2109)


Three shots below are

  1. The setting of the Trigger for test.
  2. The expected result (called with the texts "Search the Community" selected and Alfred fills the search box).
  3. The actual result.











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I don't know what happened on earth, today it never works even if I restarted the system several times.

What's more, when I further tested it on a filename in Finder, it always prompts me the directory info window (and I have changed some different shortcuts for test so it won't be an OSX shortcut conflict).


Related screenshots are posted below.


  • Test the filename case in Finder.



  • It prompts this window every time I press my shotcut.


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