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Mail.ap Search Workflow Not Working

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I'm trying to use the Mail.app search workflow but teaches always fall back to a Google search.


My Powerpack is installed correctly.


The workflow appears to be installed correctly.


I'm searching for terms I can see in emails in my inbox currently.


But it just drops back to a Google search every time... what am missing?


Many thanks,




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Hi @David Hughes - This File Filter workflow refers to mail held in the ~/Library/Mail/ location on your Mac (as I'm using the same workflow, which works fine for me) so have you checked that this location on your Mac does contain your emails?


If your emails are stored in a different location (which is possible, depending on which version of macOS you're using, or whether your emails are indeed stored locally) you may need to update the path in the File Filter, so that's the best place to start.



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@David Hughes Have you checked whether Spotlight finds any of these emails based on the same keywords? Tried searching for different terms to make sure you weren't accidentally searching for something that's not available?


You may benefit from rebuilding your Mac's metadata index if no emails are being found, which you can do by following step 4 here:



The more investigating you're able to do on your own Mac to provide us with more information, the easier it is for us to help you :)



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