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Trigger on display change?

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Not with Alfred alone, no. Alfred responds only to user input/actions.


You could use Keyboard Maestro to call a workflow. KM can also trigger actions based on other kinds of events, such as attached/detached hardware.


I think it might also be possible using a Launch Agent, which is built into macOS.

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Thanks - I see.

I noticed that I can get the event in hammerspoon (http://www.hammerspoon.org/) which I am using (via hs.screen.watcher) but had hoped it would be easier in Alfred.

So I have to find a way, either to bridge from the hammerspoon event to alfred, or actually make the whole thing in hammerspoon (which should be possible through the hs.audiodevice module. I guess in the end it might be easier to do it here.

Thanks in any case!

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