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Showing non-existent network volumes

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Hey everyone!

My first post so please be nice! I am running the latest version of Alfred 3 on Mac OS X Sierra.


I'm having a bit of an odd issue that am hoping someone on here can help me out with. For some reason when I use the browser feature in Alfred to navigate some networked volumes (SMB, off a NAS if it matters), it shows multiple different versions of the networked drive but only one is valid. The others have a red dash on them (the symbol Mac OS X uses to show you don't have correct permissions) and obviously they are empty.


I have attached a screenshot for clarification. Anyone have an idea about how to clear these old ones out? I have already tried clearing the "cache" in the settings. I have not rebuilt the whole spotlight index as that is time and resource intensive. Before I try that, I wanted to see if anyone on here has any better ideas.


Thanks. I appreciate the help!


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Thanks for the help @deanishe


After some further digging, I saw that it was listed in the terminal under volumes. I then checked to see if it was listed using "diskutil list" and it wasn't. Which means for sure it wasn't mounted.


I found this thread which describes my situation quite well, that it most likely was an old mount point that was never cleared out:



A simple reboot helped!

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