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Dispatch Key Combo to Specific App

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Pretty much the title says its all.


Having the option to Dispatch Key Combo to a specific app could be really helpful when the app in question is not the focus. The sky would be the limit here, but a few personal instances where I can see it helpful: Refreshing Twitteriffc or sending key combo to a hidden music or media app. These apps are heard or seen pretty regularly but are rarely the focus when I'm working.


One application I've tried this on that is able to do it is BetterTouch Tool. It works surprisingly well. I would love my most used and important productivity app, Alfred to be able to do it too. Seems like the foundation for such a feature is already there. Keep up the wonderful work! Thanks! 

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I 100% agree that it would be a useful and obvious option to add to Dispatch Key Combo, but it's certainly worth pointing out that—as with a few obvious omissions from Alfred like "Clipboard Input"—it's also trivial to do this with a single line of code (AppleScript in this case) before the Dispatch Key Combo output:


tell application "Name of Application" to activate

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