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Applescript satimage and mojave: how to

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I'm having workflows that include running applescripts using satimage libraries. These used to be "enbedded" in the scripting additions that no longer work as such with Mojave.
The solution is to load a SatimageOSAX application and to call "use application 'SatimageOSAX' "in the script.

This works fine outside of Alfred workflows but adding the line "use application 'SatimageOSAX' " in the script in the workflow does'nt seem to work. Why is that ?

See screen capture attached


Thanks for any solution...


Capture d’écran 2018-10-20 à 09.12.39.png

Edited by jaladuvar
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3 hours ago, jaladuvar said:

does'nt seem to work


Can you be more specific ?  In what way doesn't it work ?  Or, put another way, what precise result should you be getting, and what precise result are you getting now ?  "Doesn't work" can range from the script failing to execute at all because of an error during compile time; or the script running but returning no result; or the script not recognising the command names; or a host of other possibilities.


Perhaps you could upload one of your workflows where this problem can be seen first hand, and someone could help diagnose the cause for you ?

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Doesn't wok means that the script, which uses instructions that are specific to the Satimage libraries, fails.

It's a script that splits, into fields of a csv files, lines copied from an Amex account statement.

Simplifies version below that works in High Sierra (but one has to load the Satimage Smile libraries because the regex instructions use this)


Satimage Smile


Smile Osax


workflow and the expected output in dropbox zip:


Just found out that it woeks if I add the two lines at the beginning of the script


use scripting additions
use application "SatimageOSAX"


These were not needed in High Sierra










Edited by jaladuvar
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