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Soulver 3 integration

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Soulver 3 has been released with automation features including a command-line interface and an Alfred Workflow. The workflow uses the Soulver CLI, which is located inside Soulver’s bundle and symlinked to /usr/local/bin/.


I would love to see an integration with Alfred and use Soulver syntax instead of Alfred standard calculator. Soulver has a friendly syntax which includes:


1) Percentages:


120 + 10%                             | 132
500k - 30%                            | 350k

10% of 200                            | 20
20 is what % of 200             | 10%
20 is 10% of what                | 200


2) Proportions:


6 is to 60 as 8 is to what                     | 80
5 is to 10 as what is to 80                   | 40


3) Phrase functions:


larger of 100 and 200                             | 200
greater of 100 and 200                           | 200

smaller of 5 and 10                                 | 5
lesser of 5 and 10                                   | 5

remainder of 21 divided by 5                | 1 
21 mod 5                                                  | 1


3) Currency conversions (including crypto!):


10 USD in EUR                    | 8.88 EUR
20 GBP in AUD                   | 36.29 AUD

20 BTC in USD                    | 156,250.00 USD
1,000 EUR in ETH               | 4.47 ETH


4) Units conversions


10 km in m                                            | 10,000 m
5 hours 30 minutes to seconds        | 19,800 seconds
100 pounds in kg                                 | 45.36 kg


5)  Date Calculation


10 June + 3 weeks                                             | 1 July
April 1, 2019 − 3 months 5 days                      | 25 December 2018
Yesterday + 1 week                                           | 11 June
Today − 1 month                                               | 5 May
3:35 am + 7 hours 15 minutes                        | 10:50 am
12/02/1988 + 32 years                                    | 12 February 2020
01.05.2005 + 3 years 2 months 3 weeks      | 22 July 2008


I love 1Password integration and honestly think Soulver would make a great integration with Alfred as well.


Here's Soulver documentation.

Edited by xilopaint
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