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AppleScript workflow fails to run

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An AppleScript workflow fails to run with the following error:

SAppleScriptErrorAppName = FStream;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Not authorized to send Apple events to FStream.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Not authorized to send Apple events to FStream.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-1743";

I am pretty sure this is because Alfred does not have "Automation" permissions in Security & Privacy.


Alfred has the following permissions enabled:



Full Disk Access


However macOS is never prompting me to provide permission for "Automation".


I have tried the following resolutions:

- Delete & reinstall Alfred app (v4.0.8)

- Reset permissions via `sudo tccutil reset All`


Nothing works. macOS will correctly request permission for other apps and also for Alfred for Contacts/Accessibility etc. But never for Automation.

As such I am unable to run AppleScript workflows.


Here is the AppleScript workflow source:


on alfred_script(q)
tell application "FStream"
	if (status) is greater than 0 then
	end if
end tell
end alfred_script




Have you tried using a Run Script action with Language = /usr/bin/osascript (AS) instead of RunNSAppleScript?

RunNSAppleScript is generally a bit weird and shouldn't be used unless you have a good reason to prefer it over /usr/bin/osascript.

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