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Lazy Hyperlink with twist

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I'm trying to create the following workflow but I have no idea where to start. Here is what I want to do 


1- Copy some Text 

2- Copy a URL

3- Hit Hotkey

4- Paste a hyperkink <a href="{clipboard:0}">{clipboard:1}</a>


I've this workflow that would paste an image url as a hyper text on hotkey trigger.

on alfred_script(q)
    set rawHTML to "<img src=\"" & q & "\"style='width: 600px'> <br> (<a href=\"" & q & "\">view image larger</a>)"
    set escapedData to do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of rawHTML) as «class HTML»
    set the clipboard to escapedData
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
end alfred_script


I cant seem to find a way to access {clipboard:0} or {clipboard:1} inside the script.

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4 hours ago, Ibz said:

I cant seem to find a way to access {clipboard:0} or {clipboard:1} inside the script.


Only the {query} macro works in scripts (and then not in Run NSAppleScript). Use an Arg & Vars to set variables from {clipboard:0} and {clipboard:1} and read the variables from the environment in your script. Note: variables also don’t work in Run NSAppleScript. Don’t use it.


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