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Copy Title & Link of YouTube Video.

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I take notes on apple notes when I watch youtube tutorials so I can create a searchable database & so I can better learn what I am trying to do. Every time I watch one of these videos I copy the title & link of the video and make that the title of the note so I can easily find the video again. I think making a workflow to do this would be possible. Does anyone know of anything that would do this?

Edit: I only want the Title + URL of video to be put on the clipboard, it doesn't have to paste it into notes for me.

Edited by Undertaker01
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To accomplish this, I built an Automator Service, which consist of only one Applescript:


on run {input, parameters}

(* Your script goes here *)
set htmlout to ""
tell application "Safari"
repeat with t in tabs of window 1
set el_li to "<li><a href=" & URL of t & ">" & name of t & "</a>"
set htmlout to htmlout & el_li
end repeat
set htmlout to "<ul>" & htmlout & "</ul>"
end tell

set textutil to "| textutil -stdin -inputencoding utf8 -format html -convert rtf -stdout | pbcopy"
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of htmlout & textutil (* escape erforderlich*)

return input
end run


Of course you could put this script into an Alfred workflow as well. 

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