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Lowercase UUID placeholder


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I want to use lowercase UUID in snippets.

such as following placeholders format:


  • "{random:UUID.lowercase}"   ...transform modifiers
  • "{random:uuid}"             ...lowercase variation name


I know that UUIDs are not case-sensitive. I also know that there are workflows that can achieve this.
I want to use lowercase for consistency and just want to use it in snippets.

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Thank you for your advice.


It seems that Snippet Trigger needs to be enabled Auto Expansion option.
I don't want to enable the option. I want to select snippets manually.


This is a snippet I'd like to create.

  "id": "{random:UUID.lowercase}",  <- I want to use lowercase modifier here.
  "name": "New Item"




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@Pasela My suggestion was to create a workflow, rather than use a standard snippet, giving you more flexibility on manipulation.


Take a look at this workflow, where you type "uuid" and a lowercased UUID is copied to your clipboard, ready to paste wherever you need it.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2ai0c8yiwonj3r/Lowercasing a UUID.alfredworkflow?dl=0


The keyword is connected to a Random utility that creates your UUID, then goes through a Transform utility that lowercases it, and finally onto a Copy to Clipboard output that copies it to your clipboard. 

Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 12.26.12.png

You can edit the last object to check the box to paste automatically to the frontmost app if you'd like.


Hope this helps :)

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Thank you for your quick response and nice workflow!


As a matter of fact, I have created such a workflow.
However, I would like to use lowercase UUID in many other snippets as well.
So instead of creating a lot of workflows, I want to do that with the snippets-only feature.

And I use snippet viewer's hotkey apart from general Alfred hotkey.

It would be nice to have custom dynamic placeholder such as "{script:user_custom_script}" in the next major version 😃

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