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How can I use copied path of a selected file in a workflow?

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Hello, new to Alfred and working on my first workflow. It's supposed to take the path of a file that I recently selected (and copied) and include it in an external link in my Obsidian notes. (Basically I want a quick way of linking external files in my Obsidian notes, without having to right click on the file and holding down opt to reveal copy path, etc.). I want to create the link so that the word I then select in Alfred will be revealed as the text of the link. Telling Alfred to copy and paste this to clipboard:   [{query}](<file:/{clipboard:1}>) won't work since the clipboard will just be inserted in case I copied plain text, but not the file path. Could anyone help me how I would achieve that? 

Edited by laleleona
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hello @laleleona you will still need to convert the path to a link that Obsidian can open. I have been using this workflow based on a Javascript script from @deanishe. You can use it in 2 ways: 1) find the file (or folder!) with Alfred, then open file actions (➡️ key), or 2) select the file in Finder, then open Universal Actions (default shortcut: ctrl-cmd-\) and select `get markdown link`.  In both cases you are prompted to enter the link-associated text. The markdown link is copied to clipboard and pasted to the frontmost application if possible. I hope this helps!

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