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Alfred Crashing Randomly, with no repeatable pattern.

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Hi all!


I have a reasonably fresh install of Alfred with 4 workflows, and it seems to be crashing without warning, and it provides no clear error. I'm seeking next steps to try an diagnose the issue.



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Welcome @pnelego,


What are the workflows? Are you doing something specific when it happens? How exactly does the crash manifest? What happens, is there a dialog? If so, what does it say? Also, if you look in Console.log, are you able to see a crash log? Finally, what are your exact versions of Alfred and macOS?


Have a nice weekend.

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Hi Vitor!


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, I hope your weekend was good.

The workflows are as follows:


DevToys: https://alfred.app/workflows/cagechung/devtoys/

Homebrew: https://alfred.app/workflows/chrisgrieser/homebrew-search/

Shimmering Obsidian: https://alfred.app/workflows/chrisgrieser/shimmering-obsidian/

Unit Converter: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/unit-converter/


I checked in the logs in console, nothing appears to be present with Alfred, besides some analytics logs seemingly regarding my contact book.


When the crashes occur, they seem to happen once after my computer sleeps, or shuts down. I end up noticing because I attempt to use him, and it doesn't open. No errors or dialogs are present when this occurs, for the record, I have Alfred set up to launch on login, and it seems to do so.


For the sake of making it clear, I have moom, lasso, swiftQuit, and AltTab installed. however, most of those apps are commonly used, and i would imagine often in combination with Alfred.


Otherwise, here are the versions of the software i have:

Alfred: 5.1.4[2195]

MacOS: macOS 14.2.1 23C71

SwiftQuit: 1.5

Lasso: 1.6.3 (185)

Moom: 3.2.25 (3349)

AltTab: 6.64.0


Other potentially relevant info:

M1 Max (arm64)

Power-pack Active


Thanks for your help!


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23 minutes ago, pnelego said:

I hope your weekend was good.


It was, thank you. Hope yours was as well.


23 minutes ago, pnelego said:

besides some analytics logs seemingly regarding my contact book.


Alfred doesn’t collect any analytics so that’ll be something else. But it shouldn’t be related to this matter.


23 minutes ago, pnelego said:



I hadn’t heard of this one. From the description it seems like the prime candidate, especially considering you don’t have any crash logs (quitting normally wouldn’t produce any). Maybe whatever heuristic they use to detect app windows closing is acting on Alfred. Could you quit that one for a while to see if it still happens?

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