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REQUEST: QuickCal workflow

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QuickCal has the best natural language processing and instant feedback of any of the calendar event/reminder adders (IMHO) and had quite good Alfred 1 support. At the moment I just switch to quickcal with a shortcut and enter in things there, which is simple, and really adds no time to my day at all. But for my OCD tendencies, it would be cool to be able to add and get feedback directly in the Alfred window. Anyone want to give it a shot?



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Yeah, I do it this way too.  Alfred 1 spoiled me, those two extras key strokes feel frustrating!






Since Quickcal integration is performed with a simple custom URI, this can actually be done with a custom search instead of a full workflow (same as before).




If you check out the preview above, this will show you how to configure a Custom Search in Alfred to create new events using QuickCal. The area of the URL that is blurred out if your personal integration code. That will vary per user. Here is a version that you can easily copy and paste.

quickcal://quickadd?k=<your code>&q={query}

You can also configure Alfred to save todos using a modified version of this URL. Example:

quickcal://quickadd?k=<your code>&q={query}&t=t
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