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{const:} or inbuilt variable to set Keyword and Title to the same value

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Building a workflow where I need to have multiple keyword objects, each setting an argument that is opened via "Open URL". For each of these keywords, I want to keep the `Keyword` and the `Title` value same. Since I would duplicate these Keyword objects many times, I only want to update the keyword value and title should be set automatically. How can I do that? I see {const:alfred_workflow_keyword} is available but it didn't work for me.




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I think user configured keywords would add more work. (adding the keywords in config and then updating each Keyword object to use that variable). 

List filters requires a trigger keyword. 

LMK if there is any other way for the suggestions to just shows up when I type (without triggering them). I could only find creating multiple Keyword objects suiting this need.

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