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Wanting to create and send email from current space

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I'm wanting to compose and send an email in the current space - whether Mail.app is running in that space or not.  I'm able to do create a new message via AppleScript and Automator, but the New Message window is always located in the space that Mail.app resides in.  The action/workflow doesn't have to be via Mail.app - I'm open to anything.  Any ideas?

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This is enabled by default in the Powerpack, I believe, in Preferences > Features > Contacts > Email tab. Whenever I compose an email via Alfred, it always opens the new message in the current space, even if Mail.app is in another one.

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I have "Email a contact" enabled, but if Mail.app is in another space and I attempt to use Alfred to send an email, Mission Control sends me to the space Mail.app is occupying and my New Message window is there.  I've tried with Mission Control's "When switch to an application, switch to a space with open windows for the application" set and unset.

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I have "Email a contact" enabled, but if Mail.app is in another space and I attempt to use Alfred to send an email, Mission Control sends me to the space Mail.app is occupying and my New Message window is there.  I've tried with Mission Control's "When switch to an application, switch to a space with open windows for the application" set and unset.


Mail support is added through Applescript. That being said, I believe that this is a result of the AppleScript used to create the new mail messages. In the AppleScript, Mail.app is "activated". So Mail.app get focus or is started if not running, then the new message is created.

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