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Reign for Spotify Workflow

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Hi everyone, this is a workflow that adds keyboard controls to the Spotify remote I made, called Reign. If you're unfamiliar with Reign: it's the Spotify remote for friends, colleagues, housemates and yourself that works in any browser. It allows you to play, pause, skip and choose tracks on a Spotify client that runs on a remote Mac, through a web interface. It's available for free on the Mac App Store, visit the website to learn more about it.


While the web interface is cool, it's even cooler to be able to skip it altogether and let your keyboard do the work, using Alfred. That's where this workflow comes in. 




You can download the workflow here: 



The source-code and setup guide is available on GitHub:



To get going, follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest workflow file;
  2. Install by double-clicking it;
  3. Press your Alfred shortcut and type 
    reign [ip/hostname]:[port]
    Change the ip/hostname and port to those of your Reign server. Copy it from the browser URL bar (remove the http:// etc.), now press return;
  4. That's it, now just type 
    reign [command]


Commands that currently work:

  • reign host [ip/hostname]:[port], change the Reign host;
  • reign np, show the Now Playing info;
  • reign n, next song;
  • reign p, previous song;
  • reign s, toggle play/pause;
  • reign o, open the current song in your own Spotify client.


Zhao Cai' Ruby based Alfred 2 workflow template came in pretty handy. Questions, feedback, let me know!

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