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I'm almost sure the answer will make me slap my head and say "of course!" but I have tried to figure this out many times with no luck.


I would love to be able to save bookmark "sets".. so I type a keyword, and it presents a list of predefined bookmarks.. that I can then arrow up/down through and then launch. 


I could just save the bookmarks as unique Web Searches, assign them the same keyword, and get what I'm after by typing that keyword. I have also tried saving the urls as .webloc files in a specific folder and then using a file search workflow that is filtered for that folder.. but this doesn't provide results until you begin typing characters. I'd like results to appear by only typing the keyword.


Does anyone have any ideas?


Edited by lucianofuentes
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  • 4 months later...

I'm not sure if you found a solution to this, but I found one so I thought I would share it with you.


I signed up for Pinboard (with a small one-time fee). Then I put all of my "favourites" (your predefined list of bookmarks) in it and starred them. Then I modified Vítor's wonderful PinUnread workflow to search starred bookmarks on Pinboard. The starred bookmarks show up when the keyword is entered, and then I can use arrow keys to launch (or copy the link to the clipboard) or I can type more letters to refine the search.

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Hello Katie,


Thank you very much for your response. I'm a big Pinboard fan and have been a member for a long time. Your response lead me to an alternative solution that suits me a lot better, so I thought I'd reply in case you or anyone else finds it useful.


I wanted to be able to call up different "groups" of bookmarks - your solution is limited in the sense that it only allows you to call up one group of bookmarks (starred in your example)


By using the extension found here



I am able to save different sets of bookmarks, then use the search function to dynamically show a list of bookmarks related to that "group".


Because you're using the search function, it's best to use a tag that doesn't lead to bookmarks that don't belong in that search (eg. a tag group called "google" will show bookmarks that have the word "google" in them as well as bookmarks with the tag "google") I get around this by using tags that begin with the letter "t" (so in the example above I would tag the bookmarks in the group "tgoogle") in order to get the results I'm after.

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I'm glad you found a solution that works for you! I never thought of having multiple sets of bookmarks, but it sounds like a good idea… 


I just wanted to note that I think it can be implemented in the workflow I'm using as well. In the awesome and detailed instructions that Vítor gave me, you are able to set up as many searches as you want by defining which tags to search. So, using the example you gave, you would choose to search the "google" tags with any keyword you like. In this case it wouldn't be necessary to use tgoogle to search because it would only search the bookmarks that have a tag of "google". You then can choose any keyword like "setone" "settwo" or "bk1", instead of having to type multiple keywords. I'm not sure at this point if it can do multiple tag searches, but it can probably do bundle searches.


Right now, I've set up the workflow so I can search unread pins, starred pins, and all of my pins, but I'll think about adding some other tag groups! Thank you for pointing that out!

Edited by katie
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