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TestFlight Upload API Workflow

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TestFlight Upload API Workflow v1.2

Download http://fallenclient.github.io/testflight-alfred-workflow/src/TestFlight%20v1.2.alfredworkflow

Source https://github.com/fallenclient/testflight-alfred-workflow

This workflow can be triggered by hotkey keyboard shortcut with the ipa/dSym zip selected in a Finder window or by navigating to a ipa (with or without dSym zip) via the Alfred file browser.

The next step is adding your API Token and Team Token to the workflow using keywords tfapitoken and tfteamtoken.


When triggered the workflow will take you through adding notes, distribution list (optional), notify users of build (optional, defaults to false) and replace build of the same name (optional, defaults to false) in that order. Final step Test Flight Upload once return is hit will upload your file(s) in the background and will notify you on success or failure. A successfull upload will put the build link on your clipboard to paste.



Once you have been through the workflow once using the keyword tfupload will start a new upload with previously entered options and the previously selected files. You can also hit any keyword in the chain (tfpreflightnotes, tfdistribution, tfnotify, tfreplace) to start the workflow at that point using any previous options. e.g. tfdistribution will use the same selected files and notes as entered previously but will allow you to set distribution, notify and replace before uploading.



jdfwarrior - Awesome PHP Workflow For Alfred & Chained demo workflow


Change Log

Version 1.2
Workflow can now be triggered by Alfred File Action

Version 1.1
Added Copy to Clipboard
Hitting return on tfupload continues execution

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