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Allow arbitrary paths for the workflow language

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It would be awesome to be given the option to input an arbitrary path to a binary in the "Language" specifier for the various workflow components. This would allow for supporting alternate shells (I've seen a few zsh suggestions on here) or language runtimes (like node). While this could cut down on workflow portability, it would be the workflow author's job to identify requirements to people for the workflow to function.


Another reason for arbitrary paths would be to easily support updated/alternate versions of existing language binaries. For example, the built-in OS X version of Ruby is currently versioned 1.8.7-p358. Ruby version 1.8.7 will be officially deprecated as of this summer. Again, workflow authors could provide instructions on installing and using up-to-date interpreters.

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As a possible alternative in the interim, you could use /bin/bash to invoke the ruby interpreter, e.g.:


Language: /bin/bash


/Users/duane/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/bin/ruby <<-'CODE'

msg = -> { puts "This is Ruby 1.9.3 executing any code you want" }



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