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See file content in the Alfred window

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Hey. I tinkered together a snippet/text-expander workflow I like. It is simple and just what I want. One thing could make it better though, to see the file contents in the window.


This is the current workflow.


The first thing is a File filter which points to:

1) a bash script which is simply copying the file contents like this: cat {query} | pbcopy

2) a copy to frontmost app


And that's it. Work perfectly for me, it searches my directory for files and copies whatever I want into the app I am using.


I would, however, like to actually see what I am copying before I do it, right now I rely on the info I get from the filenames. Example: http://imgur.com/CMdvNE9


I would like to have it like the Alfred snippet manage like this: http://imgur.com/wvuSVW7


I don't want to use the Alfred snippet manager because I use the snippets (.txt files) in other applications, so I want as much as possible to be "app agnostic"


So is this possible?

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No, we currently do not have access to that kind of view. There’s likely a feature suggestion for it, though. However, you can press ⌘+Y (or go into PreferencesFile SearchAdvancedQuick Look, to set it up to also be available via ⇧) to see a selected file or directory in quicklook, which may suffice in your case.

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No, we currently do not have access to that kind of view. There’s likely a feature suggestion for it, though. However, you can press ⌘+Y (or go into PreferencesFile SearchAdvancedQuick Look, to set it up to also be available via ⇧) to see a selected file or directory in quicklook, which may suffice in your case.


Okay. I hope it can be implemented at some point. For now though, CMD+Y will have to do even though it is not really what I wanted. Thanks for the reply.

Edited by jontelang
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Alfred’s team is active on the forums, so the best way to get that implemented is to request it in the aforementioned “feature suggestions” forum, or better yet, to find the post that already requests it (if it exists), and voice your support there.

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