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Save Link workflow - Add current tab formatted in markdown... Not mine but never released as far as I know...

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Save Link does one thing and does it pretty well but remember this workflow was also coded when Alfred v2 was in beta testing. Hell no excuses, I like this workflow and still use it. Anyways, don't ask me for features as I was the recipient of this little guy when I asked for a feature addition to SendURL - Coded generously by Jonas Erikson so don't ask me for any additions as I can't help myself let alone you. ;)


Quick break down:

- "Later" is the keyword which populated the subtext with the url of the site your adding/viewing.

Save, Link, Workflow, Tag, and, okay - 5 tags I have given the page.






output to your file is written as:

[Posting New Topic - Alfred App Community Forum](http://www.alfredforum.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=3) #2014-05-27 #Save #Link #Workflow #Tag #okay

links - keyword to browse list and modifiers offer the ability to remove saved links, send them to instapaper mobilizer and no duplicates ever as you can update the tags of an already saved website by revisiting the site and entering new tags.





Perfect workflow besides a few minor personal aesthetic choices


**Features I'd enjoy:** Save browsing sesssion, Lots of tabs all grabbed and written to their own file. As seperate files sessions could be invoked and browsed by their date or theme/tag and if selected then "Drill Down" into the specific saved session of tabs to see which sites it contains .


That's about it. Thanks and sorry for the crappy run down as you can tell I do not share much ... 


Download: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/373c22e4


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