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Preferences Export/Import

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Would be great if all your preferences (or most of them) could be exported/imported.


Would help when provisioning computers you use be it either a new one, your work computer or whatever.


Right now the process could be done my manually backup all you .plist files inside your Alfred.alfredpreferences directory, yet this is pretty manual stuff that could introduce misbehavior based on user's actions in the process.



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Would be great if all your preferences (or most of them) could be exported/imported.


Would help when provisioning computers you use be it either a new one, your work computer or whatever.


Right now the process could be done my manually backup all you .plist files inside your Alfred.alfredpreferences directory, yet this is pretty manual stuff that could introduce misbehavior based on user's actions in the process.


Hi Jonathan,


We really don't recommend playing around inside the Alfred preferences files or backing up bits here and there.


You can either backup the whole Alfred.alfredpreferences or use settings syncing via Dropbox. These are much safer ways to ensure your data is copied across to a new Mac correctly.




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