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Alfred ignoring "ignoring application responses" block in applescript

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I've used "ignoring application responses" in an applescript to continue the script without waiting for an answer to the dialog box. It runs perfectly in Applescript Editor but when I use it in Alfred, it ignores them and waits for the dialog. For reference, here is my applescript:


on alfred_script(q)

    set PopClipInput to (display dialog "Type some text for PopClip to use:" with title "PopClip Input" default answer q)

    set PopClipText to the text returned of PopClipInput

    ignoring application responses

        (display dialog "Press option-P to activate PopClip again." default answer PopClipText buttons {"I'm Done"} default button 1)

    end ignoring

    do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick m:460,248"

    delay 0.1

    tell application "PopClip" to appear

end alfred_script


Why is Alfred doing this and what can I do to make my Applescript work?

Posted (edited)

How are you running it in Alfred? As a Run NSAppleScript Action or via osascript in a Run Script Action?


It's worth trying it the other way (AppleScript is strangely funny about the way it is run).

Edited by deanishe

Well, I have tried it both as a Run NSAppleScript action and a Run Script "osascript" action and neither have worked.


Someone's reply in a similar thread mentioned compiling the applescript as an application/ automator workflow and then creating another script telling the app or workflow to activate, which sounds a little clumsy to me - I would prefer to know why Alfred isn't running the applescript correctly. But I'll try this solution anyway. And I suppose if I put the automator workflow into my Alfred workflow folder it won't be overly clumsy. I'll post an update to let you know if it works.

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