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(Sorry I didn't complete my title and can't alter it)


Hopping someone can help me out.

I'm wanting to copy a URL from Safari and paste it into a new TextEdit document and then save it to a specific location.


So far I can get it as far as my clipboard then I get stuck, by using an AppleScript:


tell application "Safari"

          set theURL to URL of front document
  set the clipboard to theURL & return
end tell
Edited by harrietb
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You don't need the clipboard for this. You can pass the URL straight to TextEdit. This shows you how to create and save TextEdit documents:

-- Called when script is executed
on run (argv)
	-- Base name of the document without directory or file extension
	-- e.g. "Important Stuff"
	set documentName to "My Document"
	-- Where to save new files. Default is ~/Documents
	set saveDirectory to (path to documents folder)
	-- Make sure this is something TextEdit understands, e.g. ".rtf", ".txt"
	set fileExtension to ".rtf"
	set theText to my getSafariUrl()
	set thePath to my newFilePath(documentName, saveDirectory, fileExtension)
	createTextEditDocument(thePath, theText)
end run

-- Create a new document containing `theText` and save it at `thePath`
on createTextEditDocument(thePath, theText)
	tell application "TextEdit"
		make new document with properties {text:theText}
		save document 1 in file thePath
	end tell
end createTextEditDocument

-- Return the URL of Safari's current tab
on getSafariUrl()
	tell application "Safari" to return URL of front document
end getSafariUrl

-- Return an unused filepath by appending 1,2,3 etc. to `documentName`
on newFilePath(documentName, saveDirectory, fileExtension)
	set theSuffix to 1
	tell application "Finder"
		set fileName to (documentName as text) & fileExtension
		set thePath to (saveDirectory as text) & fileName
		repeat while item (thePath) exists
			set fileName to (documentName as text) & " " & (theSuffix as text) & fileExtension
			set thePath to (saveDirectory as text) & fileName
			set theSuffix to theSuffix + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
	return thePath
end newFilePath

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You don't need the clipboard for this. You can pass the URL straight to TextEdit. This shows you how to create and save TextEdit documents:


-- Called when script is executed
on run (argv)
	-- Base name of the document without directory or file extension
	-- e.g. "Important Stuff"
	set documentName to "My Document"
	-- Where to save new files. Default is ~/Documents
	set saveDirectory to (path to documents folder)
	-- Make sure this is something TextEdit understands, e.g. ".rtf", ".txt"
	set fileExtension to ".rtf"
	set theText to my getSafariUrl()
	set thePath to my newFilePath(documentName, saveDirectory, fileExtension)
	createTextEditDocument(thePath, theText)
end run

-- Create a new document containing `theText` and save it at `thePath`
on createTextEditDocument(thePath, theText)
	tell application "TextEdit"
		make new document with properties {text:theText}
		save document 1 in file thePath
	end tell
end createTextEditDocument

-- Return the URL of Safari's current tab
on getSafariUrl()
	tell application "Safari" to return URL of front document
end getSafariUrl

-- Return an unused filepath by appending 1,2,3 etc. to `documentName`
on newFilePath(documentName, saveDirectory, fileExtension)
	set theSuffix to 1
	tell application "Finder"
		set fileName to (documentName as text) & fileExtension
		set thePath to (saveDirectory as text) & fileName
		repeat while item (thePath) exists
			set fileName to (documentName as text) & " " & (theSuffix as text) & fileExtension
			set thePath to (saveDirectory as text) & fileName
			set theSuffix to theSuffix + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
	return thePath
end newFilePath

This is a life saver.

Appreciate this! Going to get start on learning all this.


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