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Start Alfred with Left ALT + Space

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I have set Alfred to open with ALT + SPACE in Alfred Settings.  


I'm wondering if there is a way to set Alfred to open only when using the LEFT ALT + Space combination.


The reason for this is that I regularly use RIGHT ALT to access special keys on the keyboard, and I therefore sometimes accidentally bring up Alfred instead of typing in the current program.



Edited by winterflags
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It is possible to differentiate between left and right ALT keys (or CMD etc.), but I don't think Alfred does (same as most apps).
Generally, it's not a good idea to use ALT for global shortcuts with text input keys (i.e. non-function keys). The reason is that it causes the problem you're having. ALT and SHIFT are used to enter text, so if you use them for shortcuts, you're likely to find yourself firing a shortcut when you want to enter a character or entering a character when you want to use a shortcut.


Therefore it's a good idea to always combine ALT and/or SHIFT with CMD and/or CTRL when defining shortcuts that you might use when a text field is selected (which includes global shortcuts like the one to activate Alfred).
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