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AppleScript in Script Filter can't get a some properties of windows

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Today I've experimented with Safari's windows management through Alfred & AppleScript and encountered with greatly strange issue.


As you probably know, every window object in AppleScript has standard properties which are described in Standard Suite: id, name, miniaturized and the like.

In Script Editor I can obviously get any of these properties and I thought I can do the same in Script Filter too. 

However when I try to get miniaturizable and miniaturized properties in a Script Filter's script, the script fails with an error "Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 1 of every window into type reference." under number -1700.


I've created this simple example to illustrate the issue:

repeat with safari_window in every window of application "Safari"
		log (get miniaturized of safari_window)
	on error msg number -1700
		log msg
	end try
end repeat

When I run it in Script Editor it executes as expected and logs true/false values, but when I call it from Script Filter it produces errors and logs error messages:

[STDERR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] 
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 1 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 2 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 3 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 4 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 5 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 6 of every window into type reference.
Safari got an error: Can’t make |miniaturized| of item 7 of every window into type reference. 

 Also it isn't a Safari issue. Other applications behave the same way.


Can someone explain me, why is it happening?


Thank you.

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Can't say why it doesn't work beyond that AppleScript often behaves differently when called in different ways.


In any case, this works just fine:

tell application "Safari"
	repeat with safari_window in every window
			log (get miniaturized of safari_window)
		on error msg number -1700
			log msg
		end try
	end repeat
end tell
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