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Wallpapers from Unsplash

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An Alfred workflow that allows users to replace their desktop background(s) with photos from the popular Unsplash.com.

Install the Wallpapers-from-Unsplash Alfred workflow simply by double-clicking the workflow file.
Once installed, the Alfred workflow allows for 10 different keyword methods, along with 3 configuration methods:


unsplash: Replaces the desktop background(s) with a random photo from Unsplash.

featured: Replaces the desktop background(s) with a random featured photo from Unsplash.


with argument: [comma-separated string of keywords]

Replaces the desktop background(s) with a random photo matching the search keyword(s) from Unsplash. Separate keywords with commas and NO spaces.

Example: search sunrise,city


with argument: [collection id]

Replaces the desktop background(s) with a random photo from the specified collection from Unsplash.

Example: collection 165921


with argument [username string]

Replaces the desktop background(s) with a random photo from the specified user’s photos from Unsplash.

Example: username stvcrtr


with argument [photo id]

Replaces the desktop background(s) with a specified photo from Unsplash.

Example: fetch KqVHRmHVwwM


with argument [desktop number]

Replaces the desktop background specified by the integer with a random photo from Unsplash.

Example: desktop 2


with argument [desktop number]

Saves the current desktop background specified by the integer to the Wallpapers-from-Unsplash/images/saved-wallpapers/ directory.

Example: save 2


with argument [full or partial image name]

Replaces the current desktop background(s) with a specific saved photo from your Wallpapers-from-Unsplash/images/saved-wallpapers/ directory. You may pass a full or partial image name.

Example: saved TZCehSn-T-o

load: Replaces the current desktop background(s) with a random saved photo from Wallpapers-from-Unsplash/images/saved-wallpapers/



with argument [Wallpapers-from-Unsplash]

Sets the path of the Wallpapers-from-Unsplash/ directory. Type the keyword setpath followed by Wallpapers-from-Unsplashand then select the correct folder in Alfred.

Required Usage: setpath Wallpapers-from-Unsplash


with argument [integer]

Sets the desktop width at which to download photos. Default is 2560.

Example: setdesktopwidth 2560


with argument [integer]
Sets the desktop height at which to download photos. Default is 1440.
Example: setdesktopheight 1440

Do you have questions? Would you like to contribute? Something else? Feel free to fork the project, open an issue, or submit a pull request.

Not into looking at code? No worries. Reach out on Alfred Forum on Twitter @adamdehaven. More information is also available on my website.

Edited by adamdehaven
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Unfortunately the Unsplash API currently only allows users to favorite photos, not entire collections. While liking/favoriting isn't currently a part of this workflow (that would require authenticating you, the user, into your Unsplash account, if you have one) I'll put it on a list of user requests.

Thanks for the feedback!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! Thank you for work.

Unfortunately the workflow doesn't work for me on the latest alfred version. I've tried all the solutions listed at your website-but no luck-the're only a change of wallpaper from my standard local folder and sometimes an error message "There appears to be an issue with your network connection. Your connection is too slow, or more likely, your internet connection is down", which can't be the case-not using proxy or anything like that.


Would you be so kind to assist me here?

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The workflow refused to work after following all the steps from your guidelines-it just changed the wallpaper from the standard apple folder. But then I went to Apple→System Preferences-->Desktop & Screen Saver icon and unchecked  Change picture(that has been enabled). After that all worked.

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